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I dont understand aero ports or whatever?..

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Ok so I purchased 3 SA-10s off someone on here and should get them within a week. I really wanted to build a box with a port because lots have said SA-10s really shine ported.. but i wasnt so good at figuring out all the math for the port and even worse we sucked at knowing how to build it good.. ( first box ported we made really ) So I have been looking at these circular ports like tubes you add as the port and it seems much simpler to me.. if I understand it correctly and I tried to use 12volt.com to help me figure out port length and size and stuff..

So could someone explain to me how you build a port with the circular tubing or aero whatever it is i guess? is it seriously that easy? that you just need to figure out volume of box and all the displacements and then all you have to calculate is the size of circle tube you use and the length of that tube based on the tuning (30 or 32 probably ) that I choose? That seems way too easy..

Also if it is that easy, does the tube's length go inside the box and fit flush to edge of box or does it stick out of the box and fit flush to the inside? or can you do either?.. I thought I had seen it both ways which confused me even more..

Please I love learning I just need teachers!!!!

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Ok so I purchased 3 SA-10s off someone on here and should get them within a week. I really wanted to build a box with a port because lots have said SA-10s really shine ported.. but i wasnt so good at figuring out all the math for the port and even worse we sucked at knowing how to build it good.. ( first box ported we made really ) So I have been looking at these circular ports like tubes you add as the port and it seems much simpler to me.. if I understand it correctly and I tried to use 12volt.com to help me figure out port length and size and stuff..

So could someone explain to me how you build a port with the circular tubing or aero whatever it is i guess? is it seriously that easy? that you just need to figure out volume of box and all the displacements and then all you have to calculate is the size of circle tube you use and the length of that tube based on the tuning (30 or 32 probably ) that I choose? That seems way too easy..

Also if it is that easy, does the tube's length go inside the box and fit flush to edge of box or does it stick out of the box and fit flush to the inside? or can you do either?.. I thought I had seen it both ways which confused me even more..

Please I love learning I just need teachers!!!!

the answer to your question is application dependent.

It is really that simple but make sure you get the placement and spacing right. Also make sure you have a tight seal around the port and it should not be able to bounce around. Port area required will be slightly less then a slot port but again its application dependent. Flares one both ends work better but it is not always done and results are mostly positive. might gain a DB or so as well as reduce port noise if this is done. Especially true with smaller radius's. It can be easier to to a slot port on really long ports unless you do external ports.

hope this help some what

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Is there a certain place in the box it has to be placed? Can it be placed on basically any side as long as it isnt so long that its right up against the other side of the box? I figure you have to have a few inches of clearance behind the back of the aero port and the mdf back of the box

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Basically I will build a box that is 30x19x19 with 3 10" subs in the top side ( 30" side) and I figure I could put the port on one of the ends of the box ( like left side or something ) and basically if the volume is say 5ft^3 12volt's calc says to type in my boxes volume.. then type in the tuning I want which would be either 30 or 32 most likely.. then the diameter of my tubing.. ex: 4" diam. and then it will calc like idk 20" or something for example.. So all I have to do is cut the port to Ex** 20" long and then mount the aero into the box?

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If your using P-S-P (Aero) Ports you can use less port area due to the efficiency of the port flares. As far as calculating you can use this link you will still need to account for port displacement.

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When using a port like these, if it says for example that I need 20" port like for a tube with the diameter of 4" would the tube really only need to be 5" then? because the diameter if 4 and 4x5 = 20" or does the length need to actually 20" long of a 4" tube/pipe/aero port?..

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20" relates to the length. But you will need more than one 4" aero for your enclosure. You need roughly 10" port area using aeros for your enclosure.

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Oh, how do you figure out how many aeros or how large of one I need and then the length? The box is appox. 29x19x19 which is like 5.05ft^3 plus 3 SA-10s.. So some displacement for each... Is there a formula or something to figure out total width of the aero or aeros and then the lengths of each?

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Or were you saying 10" is a set # needed for ever box?

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Go here and complete both formulas. Complete the one at the top first. 10" is the number I figured out with your given application.

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If you modeled for (1) 4" port 20" long, then (4) 4" ports would be much, much more longer than 20" in length, each....

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The bottom or top portion of that web page?

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Complete the top then move to the bottom.

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Nvm I think I got it kinda rofl obv i need both parts of that site

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Is the xmax, the total of the 3 subs combined?

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If you modeled for (1) 4" port 20" long, then (4) 4" ports would be much, much more longer than 20" in length, each....


Port Diameter: 4in

Number of Ports: 1

Port Length: 6.48in

Port Area Total: 12.57in

Tuning: 30hz

Enclosure Volume: 4ft^3

Port Diameter: 4in

Number of Ports: 4

Port Length Each: 34.7in

Port Area Total: 50.27in

Tuning: 30hz

Enclosure Volume: 4ft^3

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Is the xmax, the total of the 3 subs combined?

Nope just one. I believe sa's are 19mm

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I wonder what power rating is used in that formula...

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Ok so if I have a box of 4ft^3 tuned to 30hz and I just want on aero port, I would have a 4" aero with the length of 6.48" because that seems way simple

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Wait how come both results you listed above are diff. One says 1 port and one says 4 ports are needed

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Stefan was just using an example to show how port length can change. @ Stefan: I'm not sure but when i used to use these two formula calculators the results were good.

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Man my head hurts lol... Well I know my box will probably be 4.5 after displacement so I typed it all in but idk if it is right

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It looks like if I did 3 3" ports the would each need to be about 11.92" long.

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I'm on my phone now. I can help more later today.

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As Sean said, I was just posting an example of what 95Honda was talking about.

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