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WTB: (( SMD DD-1 ))

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No b.s. here please only looking to purchase a new or used Steve Meade Designs DD-1

Has to be in good condition


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why not order from the man himself

It's 160+ Shipping after the 12$ tax

I'll wait for a used one someone is willing to let go of.

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Not sure if it helps, but I got mine for $150 after shiping. At wccaraudio.com, use the promotional code SMDDD1 for $10 dollars off.

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Not sure if it helps, but I got mine for $150 after shiping. At wccaraudio.com, use the promotional code SMDDD1 for $10 dollars off.

With shipping and tax + Promotional code

Total = 162.60


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Should be a ton for sale since its a completely useless piece of "gear"

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Should be a ton for sale since its a completely useless piece of "gear"

U can buy a lot of of other cool stuff with the money saved

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Out of curiosity why is it useless, cause it doesn't sport the beloved SSA logo?

Just kidding, but really it probably is a gimmick and it looks like you're planning on buying into it... probably better off going off with the tried and true o-scope.

Edited by keetykush

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Why are so many people against the DD-1? It's just another tool you can use to check for clipping. There are quite a few of reputable audiophiles that use it and like it more then a O-scope, but you can use whatever you want. Plus maybe he doesn't have the cash for a nice O-Scope, I just don't see why people have to knock on something they more then likely havnt used but that's just my .2 cents.

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Why are so many people against the DD-1? It's just another tool you can use to check for clipping. There are quite a few of reputable audiophiles that use it and like it more then a O-scope, but you can use whatever you want. Plus maybe he doesn't have the cash for a nice O-Scope, I just don't see why people have to knock on something they more then likely havnt used but that's just my .2 cents.

Music is dynamic.

You can use an O-scope, or this DD-1, play some constant sine wave, and set it to where you don't see clipping.

Then get in your car and start playing music (dynamic content) that's recorded at different levels, and half the music you might be clipping, whether it's enough to be audible, I don't know, but at that point you could have just played some music and fiddled with the gain until it sounded right, and saved yourself a hundred bucks or so.

If one song was recorded at a different level then another, you can simply turn your volume knob up or down a few clicks, I don't see whats so hard to grasp.

At least that's my understanding.

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If all music is dynamic (which it is) then why don't we all just tune by ear and guess where to set gains? why do people even bother to use o-scopes???

because it helps...

And based on all the negative comments everything you said has been tested and discussed in other threads. :ughdunno:

P.S. The dd-1 doesn't just detect clipping it detects point of 1% distortion before clipping even occurs... most people don't know this or pay attention to that fact.

Edited by lost

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If all music is dynamic (which it is) then why don't we all just tune by ear and guess where to set gains? why do people even bother to use o-scopes???

because it helps...

And based on all the negative comments everything you said has been tested and discussed in other threads. :ughdunno:

P.S. The dd-1 doesn't just detect clipping it detects point of 1% distortion before clipping even occurs... most people don't know this or pay attention to that fact.

The same reason people buy shit because Steve Meade uses it and therefore it must be good.

The same reason why people feel like they have to buy an amplifier rated for xxx amount of power to "properly" power their subwoofers.

The same reason why some people think all mainstream products are crap, such as JL, and everything "underground" that isn't known to the mass is the best stuff ever.

So it can detect a lower level of distortion, so what? If your ears can't tell the difference, then why does it matter? Your listening to the music with your ears, not some mic or analyzer that goes "OH shit, 1% thd, negative points negative points."

I understand your need to set the gains as high as you can on your monoblock amplifiers because you want it to be as loud as possible for your bass, right?

The different in output from having the gain set between these two methods: "right below audible distortion from the ear (gain set by ear)" and "DD-1 with less then 1% distortion" isn't going to be audible. You would have to be off by enough so that the amplifier is making half it's power, thus creating at most, a 3dB difference. Which means you have a lot of headroom to be off, and your ears wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Your just pissing your money away.

Or your using it for setting the gain for your front stage amp, well shit that should be easy to hear audible distortion, turn it down to where you can't hear it, and your set.

Your acting like all music is 100% distortion free, and any distortion, no matter how small percentage, added to the mix is going to wreck havoc.

If your competing, playing constant sine waves, and you want to play it at the highest level possible before excessive clipping, then I guess that's a different story.

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Why are so many people against the DD-1? It's just another tool you can use to check for clipping. There are quite a few of reputable audiophiles that use it and like it more then a O-scope, but you can use whatever you want. Plus maybe he doesn't have the cash for a nice O-Scope, I just don't see why people have to knock on something they more then likely havnt used but that's just my .2 cents.

Those aren't audiophiles, lol.

I've stated this before and so far NO ONE has refuted it because they can't. There is no use for it. It does absolutely no good. Offer me a valid use and I'll gladly change my opinion. Let's start with you telling us what and why you'd use it.

As for why knock on something you haven't used. Perhaps you should ask the question the other way. Why are so many people praising something that they have no idea what it does, why or what use it could be? Also, take a look at those that knock it. They have something in common. A fundamental understanding of electronics. The ones that use it, don't.

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If all music is dynamic (which it is) then why don't we all just tune by ear and guess where to set gains? why do people even bother to use o-scopes???

because it helps...

And based on all the negative comments everything you said has been tested and discussed in other threads. :ughdunno:

P.S. The dd-1 doesn't just detect clipping it detects point of 1% distortion before clipping even occurs... most people don't know this or pay attention to that fact.


I think your best bet would be to search for this product on the SMD forum ... http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/

You might get better results on your search ...

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If all music is dynamic (which it is) then why don't we all just tune by ear and guess where to set gains? why do people even bother to use o-scopes???

because it helps...

And based on all the negative comments everything you said has been tested and discussed in other threads. :ughdunno:

P.S. The dd-1 doesn't just detect clipping it detects point of 1% distortion before clipping even occurs... most people don't know this or pay attention to that fact.


I think your best bet would be to search for this product on the SMD forum ... http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/

You might get better results on your search ...

Just so we clear ... I'm not talking good or bad about this product in any way ... I have no reason to, I've never used one ...

I'm just saying that not many people on this forum like this product for one reason or another ...

I just think you would have better luck with your search using the site I posted a link to instead of SSA ...

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