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The webpage is up...

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Well there is finally SOMETHING on the web address. It's all f'd up but it's something. The web design looks a little odd.

There's also a header for amps...

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Since the site is down, can you just give me the mounting depth of the 10" assassin.. and what the sealed/ported enclosure recommendations are.


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Good time to have 3 browsers.

Couldn't get anything in IE or Opera, but FF brought it up (php errors and all). Site CSS and such looks good...we'll see what comes from that.

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they are serious

...Or at least some Ben Afflek look-alike is

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The website is all messed up for me. :(

That was kinda my point. But at least there's something there after almost a year.

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he's what an audio guy should look like

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Good time to have 3 browsers.

Couldn't get anything in IE or Opera, but FF brought it up (php errors and all). Site CSS and such looks good...we'll see what comes from that.

Sorta loaded in FF for me, not in Opera, trying good ole netscape.

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Side note, I think by seeing the site layout so far, a cat might have been let out of the bag.

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they are serious

...Or at least some Ben Afflek look-alike is

looks more like matt damon i think

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Wow... now if that isnt some crap.

As mysteriously as the DNS settings went away... this pops up. Nice :(

Got that off of there as soon as I saw it.

Website is close to done I am just going over things tonight and proof reading. Definitely needs LOTS more too it, but Im not sure how the host decided to pop that up when it was hidden far away... Assuming because they lost the balance of things when they "updated" their system and servers back on the 22nd (when everything incuding email went down).

I have more than had it with them as a host and we have already signed up with another host. F'ing nightmare....

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Wow... now if that isnt some crap.

As mysteriously as the DNS settings went away... this pops up. Nice :(

Got that off of there as soon as I saw it.

Website is close to done I am just going over things tonight and proof reading. Definitely needs LOTS more too it, but Im not sure how the host decided to pop that up when it was hidden far away... Assuming because they lost the balance of things when they "updated" their system and servers back on the 22nd (when everything incuding email went down).

I have more than had it with them as a host and we have already signed up with another host. F'ing nightmare....

how do you REALLY feel?

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Wow... now if that isnt some crap.

As mysteriously as the DNS settings went away... this pops up. Nice :(

Got that off of there as soon as I saw it.

Glad I brought it to your attention then...

E-mail back up? Got a question about some X series and a local pick-up in Vegas. I sent you an e-mail about it the other day, just wondering if I should resend it?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur eleifend lacus non nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Vestibulum orci odio, fringilla ac, consequat ut, vehicula eget, dui. In eget urna vitae velit semper dapibus. Ut placerat, lorem vulputate iaculis consequat, dolor mauris rhoncus urna, ut ultricies massa velit non mauris. Curabitur at enim. Morbi tellus. Ut accumsan nibh sit amet dolor. Donec nec leo. Nunc molestie purus non nibh. Donec libero arcu, blandit porta, molestie ut, faucibus bibendum, leo. Ut consequat. Aenean consequat.

lol, what?

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