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Wrung my hardhat liner out about a dozen times and my shirt about three times today. Haven't been dry since about half past eight this morning

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Interesting. Not normally my type, but that looks fun.

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I don't know what the LD is, nor what side effects there are, but even if they were null, I would never do it for the simple fact that you can't ever trust what your getting is really dmt.

It will be. Not worth faking, nearly free and uber easy to make.

How much lsd is sold that's actually pcp, etc.

None. Nothing like each other.

Exactly. I have done a ton of acid and tried PCP a few times. They are totally different forms of drugs. No way in hell there is any mistaking them unless you have no fucking idea what LSD is.

The funny thing is of course the only "cutting" of stuff would be to make it more cost effective for the seller. That combo and anything similar would do the opposite. If someone wants to make a cocktail they'd up the price and tell you what it was.

the big issue is most psychedelics really trump any other drugs you take. If you take acid you can drink cases of beer, smoke ounces of weed... the only thing I ever felt on acid was cocaine. And I could only feel it if I was railing before the bomb took hold. Peyote, mescaline, dust... never really felt anything I took along with them. Well, cocaine would boost a dust buzz, but definitely not like it was a major boost.

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Seriously, whip its ftmfw

I used to buy balloons at Dead shows, but I honestly have not done whip its in 20 years or better.

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Actually I have been clean for 14 years, aside from when I had cancer. I took a ton of dilauded and morphine for pain management and smoked weed for my chemo sickness. But I honestly didn't enjoy the weed, and aside from mainlining the dilauded I didn't get much out of the opiates either... withdrawl was a motherfucker, but I didn't like the dope.

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She has nice calves!

Edited by nem

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A little more recent for me, but not really so much. Amusingly I found a full whip it in a drawer cleaning my office. I don't have a seltzer bottle or whip cream dispenser though otherwise it'd be gone.

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She has nice calves!


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morphine and an oxygen mask, holy shit...

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< has never done drugs, believe it or not............

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No time in my life for college fun either.

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Neal, alcohol is a drug. Perhaps one of the worst. Only preceded by nicotine

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Differentiating I find strange. Legality and morality are not deciding factors on what is good or bad for you.

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Neal, alcohol is a drug. Perhaps one of the worst. Only preceded by nicotine

Ok you got me there, but I have never done any of the other stuff.

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Neal, alcohol is a drug. Perhaps one of the worst. Only preceded by nicotine

Definitely among the worst. But as a recovered heroin junkie and crack head I would have to set those 2 a bit higher than alcohol.

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Neal, alcohol is a drug. Perhaps one of the worst. Only preceded by nicotine

Definitely among the worst. But as a recovered heroin junkie and crack head I would have to set those 2 a bit higher than alcohol.

Add crystal methe and you've got most of the worse ones covered. Perhaps all easier to quit than nicotine, but the effect on life is umm, sort of bad.

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Neal, alcohol is a drug. Perhaps one of the worst. Only preceded by nicotine

Definitely among the worst. But as a recovered heroin junkie and crack head I would have to set those 2 a bit higher than alcohol.

Your clean now and that is all that matters. :)

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Neal, alcohol is a drug. Perhaps one of the worst. Only preceded by nicotine

Definitely among the worst. But as a recovered heroin junkie and crack head I would have to set those 2 a bit higher than alcohol.

Add crystal methe and you've got most of the worse ones covered. Perhaps all easier to quit than nicotine, but the effect on life is umm, sort of bad.

Yeah, meth was bad but it really didn't stick with me. It was just all crank and no buzz. I had no issues getting off it. As far as behavior, my behavior was awful, maybe the worst I was toward other people.

But yeah, I have managed to quit everything on my own, but I still can't put down smokes, and I don't choose to put down my whiskey. So I would toss nicotine as likely the most addictive substance I have ever tried.

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Lately I have not had the urge to even have a drink.

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Neal, alcohol is a drug. Perhaps one of the worst. Only preceded by nicotine

Definitely among the worst. But as a recovered heroin junkie and crack head I would have to set those 2 a bit higher than alcohol.

Your clean now and that is all that matters. smile.png

Indeed. But there are a lot of things I would love to be able to relive and fix. I wronged a lot of people who didn't deserve it.

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Lately I have not had the urge to even have a drink.

Send me your liquor!!!

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CM is something that sticks with some people and not others. Seriously temporarily destroyed one of my friends. He's okay now, but wow. I mean WOW.

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