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Seriously that's so dumb, maybe I should knock your teeth out.

Please, your mama...

Gifts for people who won't have any batteries better.

Ah, a real reason. Still you said somethin' about my momma. I'm gonna toothbrush your ass

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Just got a basic vps account. Going to see if I can setup a Battlefield 2 server on it. If so, we gonna have ihop battles.


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Nope, gifts for 3 boys and if it doesn't have a common battery size, aka one in their electronics they won't be used.

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Speaking of, does anyone actually see merit in what they are releasing? I see it and think, shit hope everyone I know sells their Apple stock.

Lots of merit. It will make apple lots ot money on adapters.



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Fixed my phone. It should have worked much earlier in the day but something messed up. Did it again on my laptop with no problems.

However, I did get the chance for people to be snobby on the XDA forum as I asked questions. Though I guess I realize that the people there deal with n00bs all the time and I don't post often so they assumed I was one as well.

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Speaking of, does anyone actually see merit in what they are releasing? I see it and think, shit hope everyone I know sells their Apple stock.

Lots of merit. It will make apple lots ot money on adapters.





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Seriously that's so dumb, maybe I should knock your teeth out.

Don't hit me in the money maker.

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Just got a basic vps account. Going to see if I can setup a Battlefield 2 server on it. If so, we gonna have ihop battles.


Not free, but awfully cheap.

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Seriously that's so dumb, maybe I should knock your teeth out.

Please, your mama...

Gifts for people who won't have any batteries better.

Ah, a real reason. Still you said somethin' about my momma. I'm gonna toothbrush your ass

ALLL YEA we got a tough guy here! ;)

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Jersey mainia is sweeping SSA!

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ANd my spelling sucks assss today!

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Seriously that's so dumb, maybe I should knock your teeth out.

Don't hit me in the money maker.

look, when i went to school i wasn't like that. i was a quiet kid, but i had alot of friends. i wan't extremelly popular, but i wasn't unpopular either. i played hockey and football and always treated people with respect, but over the years i look back and think about all the respect i have given just to get nothing in return and it pisses me off. i think back to every time somebody said they were going to beat my ass, talk crap about my family or really insult me intellectually and i would turn around and walk away when i really should of hit them. i'm not talking about yo mama jokes or stupid crap like that, i'm talking about when a kid really starts going off on you or does something to you. It's stupid, but my grandma always told me that "if somebody slaps you in the cheek you just turn your head and offer the other", but i say that if somebody slaps you in the cheek you should roll back and knock the phucker out. everytime that i was quiet and didn't say anything or every timme somebody shit on me and i didn't do anything i wish that i would have just let loose and tore them apart.

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Seriously that's so dumb, maybe I should knock your teeth out.

Don't hit me in the money maker.

look, when i went to school i wasn't like that. i was a quiet kid, but i had alot of friends. i wan't extremelly popular, but i wasn't unpopular either. i played hockey and football and always treated people with respect, but over the years i look back and think about all the respect i have given just to get nothing in return and it pisses me off. i think back to every time somebody said they were going to beat my ass, talk crap about my family or really insult me intellectually and i would turn around and walk away when i really should of hit them. i'm not talking about yo mama jokes or stupid crap like that, i'm talking about when a kid really starts going off on you or does something to you. It's stupid, but my grandma always told me that "if somebody slaps you in the cheek you just turn your head and offer the other", but i say that if somebody slaps you in the cheek you should roll back and knock the phucker out. everytime that i was quiet and didn't say anything or every timme somebody shit on me and i didn't do anything i wish that i would have just let loose and tore them apart.

Still absolutely wrong and exactly what is wrong with our society. If you can't handle an insult you've got serious personal issues you need to address. If you think that behavior is acceptable for others please move to Mexico. We don't want you here.

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I like Mexico!

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i do think that people are too soft these days compared to when i was a kid. parents telling their kids that fighting is wrong and you should tell a teacher or whoever. i think thats the wrong thing to do IMO. why screw up a kids life if he excels academically by getting him/her suspended or expelled from school because he/she punched you because you said something or did something wrong to them. thats all you run into these days are "tattletale" kids who can't resolve their own issues so they r ely on others to help them. I on the other hand am teaching my kids to take care of themselves by not telling on others and taking things into their own hands. my son is 3yrs old right now and he won't "tattle" on anybody, he just says he didn't see anything or he doesn't know. i. think people should stay out of other peoples business and just concentrate on what they have to do. If my son punches somebody in the mouth because some kid was making fun of him or did something wrong to him does that make him a bully? I think the kid who started it was the bully and my son just made him shut his mouth. i don't want a kid who is so afraid of other kids that he gets depressed and possibly kills himself, i want him to take life by the balls and deal with whatever is in front of him head on.

You are the extreme here. Why promote violence? Children have no business fighting.

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i think i'm just having a really bad week. i've been super sick for the past 3 weeks, i stepped down as a boss at my company because of all the stupid, rediculous crap and constant descision changes they make and when somebody else would screw up it was your ass they were after, not the person who screwed up. always saying i had the authority to do something about issues, but not being able to fire somebody because they were dumb asses, but yet everytime they did something wrong you were the one to get your ass chewed out. On top of that i found out that my other son who is living with his mother is getting neglected and has to have surgery on his teeth at the hospital by a dentist because it's so bad. i entrusted her to take care of him, i pay for all of his doctor bills, insurance and everything so there is absolutelly no reason for this. she wanted a family with the guy she is currently with and didn't want me in the picture since birth and i understood because thats exactly how i grew up as well, but this is over the top and now i'm going to try to get him so i can take care of him so he doesn't have to go through anymore of this. i'm super stressed right now and just have to find some time to kick back and chill to release all of this. sorry if i'm spitting out a bunch of nonsence right now, but i have alot on my plate.

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i do think that people are too soft these days compared to when i was a kid. parents telling their kids that fighting is wrong and you should tell a teacher or whoever. i think thats the wrong thing to do IMO. why screw up a kids life if he excels academically by getting him/her suspended or expelled from school because he/she punched you because you said something or did something wrong to them. thats all you run into these days are "tattletale" kids who can't resolve their own issues so they r ely on others to help them. I on the other hand am teaching my kids to take care of themselves by not telling on others and taking things into their own hands. my son is 3yrs old right now and he won't "tattle" on anybody, he just says he didn't see anything or he doesn't know. i. think people should stay out of other peoples business and just concentrate on what they have to do. If my son punches somebody in the mouth because some kid was making fun of him or did something wrong to him does that make him a bully? I think the kid who started it was the bully and my son just made him shut his mouth. i don't want a kid who is so afraid of other kids that he gets depressed and possibly kills himself, i want him to take life by the balls and deal with whatever is in front of him head on.

You are the extreme here. Why promote violence? Children have no business fighting.

Gotta get my fight on!

Then get money, bitches, and drugs.

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i do think that people are too soft these days compared to when i was a kid. parents telling their kids that fighting is wrong and you should tell a teacher or whoever. i think thats the wrong thing to do IMO. why screw up a kids life if he excels academically by getting him/her suspended or expelled from school because he/she punched you because you said something or did something wrong to them. thats all you run into these days are "tattletale" kids who can't resolve their own issues so they rely on others to help them. I on the other hand am teaching my kids to take care of themselves by not telling on others and taking things into their own hands. my son is 3yrs old right now and he won't "tattle" on anybody, he just says he didn't see anything or he doesn't know. i think people should stay out of other peoples business and just concentrate on what they have to do. If my son punches somebody in the mouth because some kid was making fun of him or did something wrong to him does that make him a bully? I think the kid who started it was the bully and my son just made him shut his mouth. i don't want a kid who is so afraid of other kids that he gets depressed and possibly kills himself, i want him to take life by the balls and deal with whatever is in front of him head on.

That is absurd. Words should beget violence?????

I am done with this topic, I am obviously out of my wheelhouse not having kids.

No Matt, you are correct in this instance and Chill is way overboard.

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if a kid is calling another kid obscene names and doing other things then yes i do think that kid should get his teeth knocked out. maybe he'll learn his lesson and stop talking shit. my kids will never start a conflict, but they will end it.

No, you raise your children strong enough to not let the words affect them. Fighting over words just makes you a bigger pussy and more childish.

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I thought maybe I was being some d bag. I was tuned up on Nyquil.

I am glad I didnt post some of what I had typed though. THANK Abraham Lincoln that I just deleted the posts. My temper was white hot.

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Today is ultra achey day..... fun.

My joints sound like bubble wrap just rolling over.

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