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i think i need another day off LOL

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does that mean you're leaving?


I spy with my little eye...

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Did anyone happen to see what Ramos posted?


Isn't there a deleted posts section the mods can access or something?

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Did anyone happen to see what Ramos posted?


Isn't there a deleted posts section the mods can access or something?

If an admin deletes and changes the post, all we see is that there's a post in the deleted section, not what it contains...

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What did i miss that ramos posted?


No surprise I missed it too.

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holy shit i can't believe where this has gone

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Luckily I did a "Save Page As" :P

Adrian or Ryan, if you really want to see just PM me. Matt, I assume Dave filled you in.

Other than that, I think I'm pretty much done here. I won't contribute to another eDuh; been down that road once already, thank you.

there's alot more going on then Dave will let on. If you want our side of the story, which is the truth of the matter, wait for Denim to get in here or you can just PM him. No reason to jump ship over some people that expected waaaaay to much from us. Enough said on the matter. Just PM denim.

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Luckily I did a "Save Page As" :P

Adrian or Ryan, if you really want to see just PM me. Matt, I assume Dave filled you in.

Other than that, I think I'm pretty much done here. I won't contribute to another eDuh; been down that road once already, thank you.

I had a new tab open for a while...pm'ed.

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Luckily I did a "Save Page As" :P

Adrian or Ryan, if you really want to see just PM me. Matt, I assume Dave filled you in.

Other than that, I think I'm pretty much done here. I won't contribute to another eDuh; been down that road once already, thank you.

there's alot more going on then Dave will let on. If you want our side of the story, which is the truth of the matter, wait for Denim to get in here or you can just PM him. No reason to jump ship over some people that expected waaaaay to much from us. Enough said on the matter. Just PM denim.

If there's really no truth to what Dave and Ramos were saying, why delete their posts instead of just repudiating it? Why delete mine, for that matter?

Like I said, I've seen where this road goes. I remember what Ben did on CSO at first, then on ICIX...and I choose to have no part of that.

I expected a reasonable level of maturity, apparently, I was expecting too much as well.

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Luckily I did a "Save Page As" :P

Adrian or Ryan, if you really want to see just PM me. Matt, I assume Dave filled you in.

Other than that, I think I'm pretty much done here. I won't contribute to another eDuh; been down that road once already, thank you.

there's alot more going on then Dave will let on. If you want our side of the story, which is the truth of the matter, wait for Denim to get in here or you can just PM him. No reason to jump ship over some people that expected waaaaay to much from us. Enough said on the matter. Just PM denim.

If there's really no truth to what Dave and Ramos were saying, why delete their posts instead of just repudiating it? Why delete mine, for that matter?

Like I said, I've seen where this road goes. I remember what Ben did on CSO at first, then on ICIX...and I choose to have no part of that.

I expected a reasonable level of maturity, apparently, I was expecting too much as well.

we expected a reasonable level of maturity from "team ssa" as well, we did not get that. So any bs they want to splatter on our board will get deleted. Thats the simple truth of why they are gone. If you'd like to ask aaron what happened, he'd be glad to tell you i'm sure.

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If you ask,.....the HOP will answer :excl:

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*hides in the bunker*

ooooooh, beanie weenie

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It's not often an automaker has the opportunity to create an entirely new segment. Chrysler did it 25 years ago when they launched the Dodge Caravan.

Happy Birthday!

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"these invitations are great, except you spelled Angela's middle name wrong"

"Its Doucey, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. But Doucey doesn't have an 'H' in it"

"...Douchey...oh my god..."

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Dad is heading out to look at the ATV right now. Hopefully someone doesn't buy it before him...

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Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!

Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!

Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!

Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!

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