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I have been talking on here for some time now trying to figure out how to beef up my electrical enough to withstand a SAZ-3500D (or maybe I should just go with the AQ-2200D? for a single 18" Fi BTL) and a SAX-50.4. Now I have been looking more and more on other forums because I have pretty much read most of the posts here that are relevant. But It seems I am having conflicting ideas. For one, people on other forums say capacitors are the best thing ever. Get one 1.5-2x the rms load of your sub(s) and you will save yourself money because you wont have to buy a new alt or stock up a battery farm. Now I read on here that people thin capacitors are junk, why? I just want the best, but cheapest, way to power my system without bottoming out with junk electronics or breaking the bank.

I was also talking to somebody else who claims to be pushing 2 12" jl's at 142.7 dB. If its possible I don't know, but from what he was saying I think he knows his stuff. Anyway he was saying any kind of load under 4.5-5k watts get a 10k cap, the big 3 and a second battery. Only upgrade the alt if you have no other choices because its super easy to fry your system if you start messing around with an alt. Now I don't know how true this is or how accurate (if at all) this is. I am looking for comments and explanations. I am trying to learn as much as I can before jumping into this because I know its going to be a very very steep climb once I get everything and start to toss it in.

Now look below at my electrical, am I over doing it? I know there can never be enough reserve but for a limited budget and wanting to go "cheaper", is there anything I could downgrade for the 18" Fi BTL? And/or front end? And still put out killer sound?

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Sundown SAZ-2000D FTW!

Now for my understanding on caps, most people on this forum rule against caps because they dont make power (only store power and can be bad for your electrical system). They would reccomend and me also to get a good starting battery and secondary battery by the amp or wherever you can put it because your trying to power your system and in order to do that you must buy something that makes power. Only batteries make power so they will be your best bet (xs power, deka, kinetik, shuriken, optima, stinger etc.).

You probably wont need to upgrade your alternator if you stick with an amp under 2500 rms as long as you have good voltage from your batteries while playing at close to or full tilt. If you let your h/o alternator run do lower than the voltage it is regulated for then thats when your in trouble. There really is know way to over do your electrical, its better to be safe than sorry.

if im wrong someone will correct me.

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From what I've been reading, caps can displace a large amount of power very quickly, but then they need to recharge. So, at that point they become another strain on your electrical system. So, if your electrical wasn't good enough to start with, it's going to be just as bad, if not worse with the cap straining it even more.

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Caps are dated.

They were helpful back in the day but the batteries on the market now are all you need.

Like he said up there caps store power they don't produce it.

So if your voltage is dropping and your stock battery/alternator can't keep up the cap isn't going to help any once it runs out of the stored energy.

I say go with the saz-2000 and upgrade your under the hood battery and get another for the back.

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dunno what ya'll talkin about batteries producin power, they store it.

The more Ah a battery has, the more power it can store.

A cap also store power, but only for a real short period.

You should better get a battery or a High Output alternator, instead of a cap.

A cap is only usefull when you have 0 voltage drop.

Only alts produce power, batteries store it for a long time, store way more power then a cap.

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dunno what ya'll talkin about batteries producin power, they store it.

The more Ah a battery has, the more power it can store.

A cap also store power, but only for a real short period.

You should better get a battery or a High Output alternator, instead of a cap.

A cap is only usefull when you have 0 voltage drop.

Only alts produce power, batteries store it for a long time, store way more power then a cap.

So bats are worth it in the long run? Alright.

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dunno what ya'll talkin about batteries producin power, they store it.

The more Ah a battery has, the more power it can store.

A cap also store power, but only for a real short period.

You should better get a battery or a High Output alternator, instead of a cap.

A cap is only usefull when you have 0 voltage drop.

Only alts produce power, batteries store it for a long time, store way more power then a cap.

sorry but batteries do not store electrical energy. they store chemical energy and convert it to(make/produce) electrical energy. A capacitor stores electrical energy.

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Conflicting ideas? What sort of place are you reading that a cap is useful? ROFL!!

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Conflicting ideas? What sort of place are you reading that a cap is useful? ROFL!!

m5! laying down the pwnage! your on a roll tonight!

IMHO caps with flashy led displays = useful :P lol

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caps= fanzy and expensive volt meters!! (which are also not to accurate either, or so i was told)

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Dump the cap and get a good group 27 or 31 agm battery in back. Kinetik , deka odyssey are good brands to look into.

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