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Very, very strange

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First of all, what I'm about to post is in fact entirely true, it seems to happen to me a lot and only half the people I tell seem to believe me :puzzled:

To start, I tend to experience strange phenomena quite a bit when I sleep, most often in the form of what they term "hypnagogic hallucinations" or "sleep paralysis"... many of you might have experienced this before, where you are physically awake, but your brain is entirely somewhere else. You might be able to open your eyes but often times you can't move or speak. Been trying to explore these experiences a little bit more, when it first happens it's a little terrifying (most people report seeing or feeling some 'evil presence' around them, for instance the Mayans and in Mexican folklore, these experiences are said to be caused by a demon sitting on your body) but if you can focus on staying in that state of mind, you can learn quite a bit more from those experiences...

Enough backstory -- so the other morning, I am in the middle of this very vivid dream... I'm lying in a hospital bed, with a nurse standing over me, the background is lit overwhelmingly with sunlight -- As I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing here, she tells me that I have a blood clot inside of me, and it's going to pass through my heart... but she reassured me that everything was going to be OK. At this point, I am feeling very at peace, not scared at all... as I lay there, I feel the thing begin moving from somewhere down inside me towards my chest. I am a little nervous but the nurse's presence made me feel at ease. Just as I felt it enter and then pass through my heart, I grabbed my chest as tightened up and I could feel it beating very erratically.

I immediately awoke from the sort of half-sleep I was in, I was clenching my chest which was very tight and as I caught my breath within a few seconds I was back to normal and fully awake. Frightened, I placed two fingers on my jugular and checked my pulse... wasn't racing, in fact it was a little slow.

Whew, OK. "Now what the hell is the point of this story, Matt?" you ask.

Well, in my apartments there is an older couple that lives downstairs from me. They have been there for a few months and I had never introduced myself to them. So when I caught Sherry (the wife) downstairs, I did so, and we struck up a conversation that lasted for a little while. She told me her husband Hal had been ill recently... apparently, not too long ago, he had a blood clot migrate from somewhere inside of him into one of the arteries of his heart. He's been bed-bound for the past few weeks until they figure out what they are going to do for him.

When I heard this, I was understandably in disbelief... I mean what are the odds here? It's not like I had watched any medical shows or anything else to bring on such a specific dream. I didn't want to weird her out by telling her about my dream so when she asked me to pray for him, I just smiled and promised that I would. I wanted to tell her that I have a strong feeling he will be OK :)

Am I gleaning too much from this? It definitely isn't the first time I've had these sort of premonition-like dreams... I'll often have them randomly about ex-girlfriends and then the next day I'm getting a phone call from them out of the blue. What are the odds here? Anyone else have any similar experiences they'd like to share? I would love to hear it.

Edited by CadillacMatt

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Never had the dreams of ex-girlfriends and they call, but if I think of them then either the next day or that same day somehow they will get in contact with me (without conversation between us in years). I feel I got a sense when I can know something is not normal or bad, I can call shit and then it will happen. Now my friends are noticing it since I speak on it and tell them, Ill be like watch this is about to happen and it does. The other my friend's wife who was pregnant went into the ER room with her toe going numb and nothing wrong with pregnancy or anything, so when I get to my friends house were talking about it as she is coming home. I was like your baby is coming tonite, like 20 minutes after that his old lady tells him she has to stay in the hospital cause she is giving birth. Now I never heard of body parts going numb or anything before pregnancies but I just thought it was a coincidence but sometimes it happens to many times to me to just be coincidences. But who knows, I just roll with it.

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Wow..... glad I'm not the only one. Same thing here, de-ja-vu all the time with little things. Some small conversation, a part from a movie, whatever the case may be it happens a lot to me as well. I've always felt these little "premonitions" were a good thing just never knew how to handle them. Freaked the wife out at the movies a couple of months ago when I recited about 4 lines from the movie that were never in the previews.

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I have had a weird experience where I was asleep in my house alone and all of a sudden the door is open to my room and all the lights are on downstairs! But to make it even more interesting is I felt this feeling of someone patting me on the leg. And it was real cold even though the furnace was running! I didn't know what to think as the dogs didn't even stir until I woke up! wacko.gif

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Well I'm glad you guys have a foothold on what I'm talking about, like I said, half of the people you tell will genuinely believe you or have experienced something like that, and the other half look at you like you're a nut :trippy:

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sometimes you feel like a nut..... sometimes you don't.....

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I think everyone goes through some crazy stages with there mind and body, just if your willing to talk about it and not worried who will judge you. I believe it is worst things happening out there to people than what we go through, were human but to others were aliens and vice versa. Just my .02 but that is another conversation.

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iTwice I've had it happen where in my dream, I'm with someone I know, both times girls that I used to have a thing for. The very next day, I see someone that is directly connected with them. Not sooo crazy, but definitely interesting. I've also had plenty of reoccurring dreams, along with religious and apocolyptic and everything in between. I'd have to think about and try to remember my crazier ones, I'll definately post them up if I remember though.

My English teacher told us that she had a wax painting of a garden or something and after putting it in the corner of the room, she had trouble sleeping. She would wake up at the same time every night, and she felt that something was watching her, She also said that she heard voices as well. But when she would close her eyes or try to pray, she would see this image of an upside down cross or Mary or a combination (I cant remember exactly what ATM). This even happened to her sister, when she moved the painting. She had a party a week or so later, and her priest had come, he wouldnt even enter the door, saying that he couldnt come in. Eventually, they got the painting and burned off the wax, when they did that they saw the same image that my teacher says she saw.

Ive heard that the stranger experiences like this happen to those that sleep on their back, so I asked my teacher, and she said that she did, which I found interesting.

Also, my friend is convinced he is possessed, but doesnt try to do anything about it, which is odd to me. He claims he sees ghosts and demons and the like. He was house sitting for us once, he said he looked at our cat, and it was some sort of pig-demon, then when he looked again, she was normal. He also said that a box on top of our refrigerator just flew into the middle of the floor, and it was nowhere near the edge of the fridge.

I have no worries about our house being haunted, as our family is fairly religious, but I tend to think that demons will attack those who weaker. But everyone has different opinions on the stuff.

Edited by dvalue

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I get a weird feeling sometimes, where it feels like everything is close but feels far. Like in movies when they zoom in really fast. It is really hard to explain, as i dont even know how to explain it! Nothing with anyone else ever though. A good friend of mine had a dream about the 9/11 attacks about a week before hand. She was really shaken up by that for a while!

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Wow..... glad I'm not the only one. Same thing here, de-ja-vu all the time with little things. Some small conversation, a part from a movie, whatever the case may be it happens a lot to me as well. I've always felt these little "premonitions" were a good thing just never knew how to handle them. Freaked the wife out at the movies a couple of months ago when I recited about 4 lines from the movie that were never in the previews.

I get this too sometimes, but I never remember until it is happening, and even then I can't predict things, I just remember it. It could be BS and my brain is fuckin with me tho.

Story to do with sleep paralysis.

In the middle of the night while sleeping over at my friend's house, I inexplicably jolted awake to hear what sounded like a woman scream upstairs and some footsteps like someone was coming down stairs. I froze in fear. I couldn't move any part of my body except my eyes. We were the only ones in the house and both downstairs sleeping on the couches. It took a good 15-30 seconds till I could react and wake him up. It freaked me out, especially because some creepy shit happened earlier in the day, but it's not that interesting.

Only time I've ever had that happen where I wake up and can't move but am fully conscious.

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iTwice I've had it happen where in my dream, I'm with someone I know, both times girls that I used to have a thing for. The very next day, I see someone that is directly connected with them. Not sooo crazy, but definitely interesting. I've also had plenty of reoccurring dreams, along with religious and apocolyptic and everything in between. I'd have to think about and try to remember my crazier ones, I'll definately post them up if I remember though.

My English teacher told us that she had a wax painting of a garden or something and after putting it in the corner of the room, she had trouble sleeping. She would wake up at the same time every night, and she felt that something was watching her, She also said that she heard voices as well. But when she would close her eyes or try to pray, she would see this image of an upside down cross or Mary or a combination (I cant remember exactly what ATM). This even happened to her sister, when she moved the painting. She had a party a week or so later, and her priest had come, he wouldnt even enter the door, saying that he couldnt come in. Eventually, they got the painting and burned off the wax, when they did that they saw the same image that my teacher says she saw.

Ive heard that the stranger experiences like this happen to those that sleep on their back, so I asked my teacher, and she said that she did, which I found interesting.

Also, my friend is convinced he is possessed, but doesnt try to do anything about it, which is odd to me. He claims he sees ghosts and demons and the like. He was house sitting for us once, he said he looked at our cat, and it was some sort of pig-demon, then when he looked again, she was normal. He also said that a box on top of our refrigerator just flew into the middle of the floor, and it was nowhere near the edge of the fridge.

I have no worries about our house being haunted, as our family is fairly religious, but I tend to think that demons will attack those who weaker. But everyone has different opinions on the stuff.

could just be mentally unstable. Some people who do a lot of hallucinogenic drugs start to hallucinate when they are sober as well. It's like their brains messing with them. My friend who used to do a bunch of drugs said he used to see his mom pop up everywhere, especially when he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.

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could just be mentally unstable. Some people who do a lot of hallucinogenic drugs start to hallucinate when they are sober as well. It's like their brains messing with them. My friend who used to do a bunch of drugs said he used to see his mom pop up everywhere, especially when he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.

True, but he's not into all that, but hes quite a drinker. He just claims that our house is haunted, but it just follows his family around apparently.

If you were referring to my teacher, she never outright denied doing drugs when she was younger, but she hinted at it a few times.

Edited by dvalue

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Story to do with sleep paralysis.

In the middle of the night while sleeping over at my friend's house, I inexplicably jolted awake to hear what sounded like a woman scream upstairs and some footsteps like someone was coming down stairs. I froze in fear. I couldn't move any part of my body except my eyes. We were the only ones in the house and both downstairs sleeping on the couches. It took a good 15-30 seconds till I could react and wake him up. It freaked me out, especially because some creepy shit happened earlier in the day, but it's not that interesting.

Only time I've ever had that happen where I wake up and can't move but am fully conscious.

Yeah, it's kinda frightening when you don't expect it right? Do you get the loud noises in your head as well? Like your auditory system is not fully up and running you just hear static and banging?

Happened to me one night freaked me right the hell out... I had this bad bad feeling when I laid down, I can usually tell when I'm about to have a waking dream aka sleep paralysis...

sure enough, right when I fell asleep I was jolted back awake, I heard this horrible screaming noise and was unable to move, and when I looked up, my comforter was grabbed and flung off the bed as if by a gust of wind, and there was a girl or something floating over me with long black hair covering her eyes, she was screaming something like "You did this to me!" and my whole field of vision was windswept and distorted kinda like the Otherworld in the Lord of the Rings, that sort of ethereal stuff. I knew what was happening, and I knew I had to wake myself up. When I finally came to, I was underneath the comforter, and felt this very malicious presence still around me... hard to describe, but it was terrifying to say the least. I said a prayer and slowly the feeling left me. Strange stuff.

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I'm just skeptical about hauntings and good and evil spirits and stuff. I feel like it's all or mostly a mind trick. Like because he thinks he's haunted, he's more likely to interpret unknown events as paranormal activity rather then just sumn weird that happened. Maybe there was a mouse on the fridge that knocked over the box or sumn... Or maybe he moved it when he was drunk and just forgot. I'm not saying the guy's a liar, I'm just skeptical to attribute inexplicable events as being paranormal simply because a cause of the event isn't seemingly obvious.

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Yeah, it's kinda frightening when you don't expect it right? Do you get the loud noises in your head as well? Like your auditory system is not fully up and running you just hear static and banging?

actually yea, now that I think about it. The scream I heard sounded kind of "blurry", if sound can be described like that. I could tell what it was, I could tell where it was, how loud it was, etc, but I didn't hear it in focus. I didn't get loud noises in my head except for the blood pumping. No static or banging either, but I do understand what you mean when you say the auditory system isn't fully running. It's sorta like that. Like when you fall asleep in class and then the sound sort of fades back into your head and u jolt awake.

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I mean, I know I cant relate all of it to religion, but it seems to explain it, IMO. But then again, I'm not perfectly religious, I'll admit.

I know what youre saying though, since when he told us, we all gave a :wtf: look. Honestly, though, I'm not worried about having such experiences happen to me. Sure I walk through the house, and see something, only to look again and see nothing, but thats just mind-tricks.

Matt, that sounds strikingly similar to succubi.

I believe I had sleep paralysis once, but it was a while back, and nothing extraordinary happened, besides me freaking out about not being able to move.

Edited by dvalue

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Sure I walk through the house, and see something, only to look again and see nothing, but thats just mind-tricks.

That's what I mean though. Most people will have that happen and just think nothing of it, but if it happens to the guy who really believes he's haunted, then the reason for it was a spirit or something. Our minds are powerful.

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Oh, I gotcha now. I do agree about the mind being powerful, its definitely interesting topic for me, but none of my friends want to discuss with me :(

Yeah, he told us it was like someone threw it down there, but we still dismissed it as his crazy thoughts.

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Matt, that sounds strikingly similar to succubi.

It was the strangest thing, I was just wondering exactly what the hell I did to piss off a spirit... lol!

The only time I've encountered paranormal activity in the waking world, I was working the overnight shift at my old aviation job watching the oven... all the lights were off down the main hallway, adjacent to the oven. I got up to stretch my legs, and something caught my immediate attention and caused me to look down the hallway. Out of one of the middle rooms, I saw a head with shoulder-length dark hair peering out at me. Uncontrollable goosebumps began from my arms all the way up to my neck causing my hair to stand up... I really couldn't believe what I was seeing!

When I mentioned this to some of the older guys there, they told me it was the ghost of a man named Mark, he worked there a few years before I started. Apparently he planned on proposing to his wife, but he had a few too many beers and when he jumped on his motorcycle to go home, he fell off causing massive internal bleeding. He was so intoxicated that he got back on his bike and shortly after that fell off for the last time and that's where they found his body. They described him as a short Hispanic guy with long black hair!

He is a prankster though. When working at night, we've had doors open and close right in front of our eyes, every once in a while all 8 phone lines would go APESHIT and start ringing all at once, only to stop a few seconds later. Chairs rolling around... one guy claims he felt a finger on his back, another claims to have seen him walk directly through a door.

And I need to stop talking about this now as I'm getting goosebumps and hearing odd noises in the house lol! :turkey: :turkey: :turkey:

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Oh, I gotcha now. I do agree about the mind being powerful, its definitely interesting topic for me, but none of my friends want to discuss with me :(

Yeah, he told us it was like someone threw it down there, but we still dismissed it as his crazy thoughts.

Yes it's rare that you can find a person to discuss topics like paranormal happenings, afterlife, origin of man, alternate dimensions & universes, aliens, mindpower, all that fun stuff you all know those conversations can go on for hours and it's really interesting to hear others' points of view. :popcorn:

Edited by CadillacMatt

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Indeed, I like to hear others opinions. It's just that most of this stuff is so unknown, and can't really be explained or proved by science.

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Indeed, I like to hear others opinions. It's just that most of this stuff is so unknown, and can't really be explained or proved by science.

Which is why most people choose not to believe or even acknowledge such things :popcorn:

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Interestingly enough, in preschool, I would always come home and talk about an angel that talked to me. (I slightly remember this, sitting in the room, at a round table, and a figure in white, I was 4ish at the time) I would apparently say and talk about all sorts of things about her. Then one day, I was with my mom in the parking lot, I managed to escape from her, and at the same time, she looked over to see a car coming right at me, and was quite close to hitting me. She screamed at the driver to stop, when they did, I was nowhere near the car. I never saw the angel again, and my was convinced it was my guardian angel.

Also, I think I had an out of body experience while I was younger, I'll expound later though.

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Ive never had anything like this happen to me personally, but ive always been very interested in things like this. Keep the stories coming guys!

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Indeed, I like to hear others opinions. It's just that most of this stuff is so unknown, and can't really be explained or proved by science.

Which is why most people choose not to believe or even acknowledge such things :popcorn:

I think it's more like things like this can't be proved by science or anything really because our senses aren't really scientific, these phenomena tend to not be easily recreated in a scientific manner for tests and really the only proof is eyewitness testimony and memory (and we know that can be significantly flawed sometimes, especially during a traumatic or seemingly traumatic event). For example, that guy who said the box flew off the fridge. He might not have really seen it happen or if he did, maybe it just fell off like a box normally would. Since he assumed it was paranormal, his mind kind of connected the dots from what he knew[ that happened to what he thought happened to make it all work together.

If you notice, usually freaky things tend to happen when there is a similar external influence (stories, movies, ideas, mentally psyching yourself out).

Take my paralysis dream thing for example. Earlier in the day, freaky things seemed to happen and we were kinda joking around saying it was like paranormal activity and shit (not like the movie,this was years before that). If we just kind of shrugged it off and not attributed earlier events as paranormal, I probably wouldn't have had that paralysis dream thing or if I did, I probably would've just shrugged it off as i woke up from a bad nightmare or something.

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