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M3a enough power for a SP4?

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Looking to upgrade from my BL, will a M3a on 0.5 ohm be enough for a SP4? Do you guys think a ZCON will be a better candidate? My box is 4.4 cubes 36hz

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If you have the electrical to support that, go for it. After rises and such it won't be around .5 ohms anyways. I'd just stay at a more stable 1 ohms.

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Is it for daily

If so you won't hear a difference if it was at 1 ohm or .5 ohm.

I plan to only put 1.5k to each of my zcons.

Edited by Bassink

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Wow you didn't answer my question. Is it for daily?? And I didn't say anything about electrical. Patented did because not a lot of people know the big increase in current draw when going from 1 to .5 ohm.

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M3a is a beast and will be plenty for one SP4

The Zcon will handle just as much power as the SP4. Its not recommended but a member here runs a BC5500 to single Zcon 15 daily with less than stellar electrical.

Edited by swift

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Yes......there I answered your question.

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shoudl be enough.. as for sub, iv ran every size zcon (12,15,18) and loved them all. casey here on the forum (frogcase) runs a single zcon 15 on a audiopipe 3k with proper electric in a 4th order. did a 146 out of the trunk IIRC

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will a M3a on 0.5 ohm be enough for a SP4?

Yes. 20 watts would be "enough" for a SP4 as well.

The point is that your question sucks. What do you mean by enough?

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I had a single M3a @.5ohm on two ZCON 18"s and they still moved a good amount.

Then I had a M4a @.5ohm on the same pair and they took it all day.

But to answer your question, yes, M3a will push a SP4 just fine all day.

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For the guys who have had experience with these subs and power levels thanks for the replies. I ran my BL on 2ohms and the sub barely moved but

after wiring it down to .5 ohm the sub woke up. Contemplating on switching out for a sub that can make use of the available power and take more abuse.

Its weird though on WiniSD gain chart the SP4 rapes both ZCON and BL in my box and power levels but on the SPL chart the Zcon can put out higher decibels. I guess I will have to buy one and find out for myself.


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Both subs will be fine. Many members here say to disregard those programs for many valid reasons. You should purchase the sub based on your goals, not power.

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