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Mark LaFountain

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GMO's arent bad now but they are also tge next atomic bomb so when developed by the wrong people they might be ridiculously scary

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17 hours ago, ///M5 said:

I can walk anywhere i want to at 2-3am without concern as well.  Not sure how that is related.  And, no i do not own a working gun so that isn't why i feel safe.


It's related as context. I'm not among the few to feel safe. But it's a bit taken out of context, with 15 times more people in the US compared to here, there will be statistically more crazy people. 


12 hours ago, Penguin4x4 said:

The problem is that the media and politicians are trying to appeal to people's emotions and fears rather than looking at empirical evidence. The statistics just don't match the emotional outcry.


Absolutely, swaying people in one direction or another is very easy. We deal with a russian mediatic war, with lots of websites backed by the russinans spewing out all sorts of pseudo-patriotic fake news, pointing the finger at the west, saying the western world is denying our heritage and history and they have a lot of middle-aged people and young people without education believing them. Nobody is saying directly "Russia is better than the rest of Europe" but that's what they plant everywhere. 

It's easier for simple minds to believe the weather problems now (hail storms) are happening because of russian weather weapons instead of global warming.


12 hours ago, topgun said:

Somewhat like GMO's, lots of people say they are bad, are the numbers there to say that?  Nope, not a one.  


A whole 'nother can of worms. Big words scare people. 


9 hours ago, dem beats said:

Guns are just a way to level a playing field of violence.  Unfortunately they are also usually lethal.


Sean, you are comfortable walking basically anywhere and most of that is state of mind.  Being in the .0002% for size helps bunch, but it's more attitude.

A gun is simply an option for resolving life threatening situations.  Nothing more or less.  It can also be used for hunting.  


When we talk about restricting firearms we are really talking about discrimination and vulnerability.  Firearms are never taken from those who don't follow the law or those with enough money to buy out of the law.  That is the way of things.


If you want to be safe and secure, and feel as such, either have no emotional investment in your overall quality of life and live by whatever trips your trigger in the margins of the world, or make as much money as you can And be able to do anything you want whenever you want where ever you want.


It sucks that you have to level the playing field. It sucks that with or without a legal ban people who use guns to break the law will continue to own guns. I'm not a supporter of a ban but of education and some form verification (control is too much). 


5 hours ago, Tirefryr said:

  Oh wait, did I just insinuate it may be more deadly to drive a car?  Hmmmm.


It is...over here driving tests are pretty lax, there's a plan to introduce 4 types of driving tests (along with the theoretical test), including night driving. When I got my motorcycle license the entire driving school consisted of going around cones and I never ever shifted out of first gear. Now the motorcycle license test includes city driving. 


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9 hours ago, Tirefryr said:

You can't relate it to your beliefs and bad habits.  Many people are rational and can control their alcohol input through reason, and can therefore handle a firearm, or even worse, drive a car.   Oh wait, did I just insinuate it may be more deadly to drive a car?  Hmmmm.

Alcohol impairs judgement. That is a fact. Impaired judgement and handling a gun do not mix. That isn't a personal belief, it is common sense gun safety.

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2 hours ago, sandt38 said:

Alcohol impairs judgement. That is a fact. Impaired judgement and handling a gun do not mix. That isn't a personal belief, it is common sense gun safety.

And most sleep deprivation is worse than blowing the legal limit or being moderately impared.  


Since the average American is living in a 2-4 hour sleep debt per night, we(most) are impared, basically both, chronically and accutely...  It's just about how badly?  


I don't support alcohol and firearms as a good combo as a good idea, but it still comes down to education.  Just like I wouldn't recommend anything dangerous with any other drug.  Shit, rough sex is super dangerous if your a bit impared and not educated in safe ways to have rough sex.  But no one is going to say you did a bad thing by having a glass of wine before letting the Mrs suffocate you with her vagina for a few minutes.

Firearms are about the least dangerous thing we can interact with if it's a quality product. There is one dangerous end and only if it's loaded.  Treat them all as if they are loaded, and then keep that end away from anyone and everything you care about.  

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Could be a rough day here in Baltimore.

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Every day's a rough day in Baltimore. :lol:

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Definitely an election year:




There were chaotic scenes in the lower house of the US Congress today as Democrats staged an extraordinary round-the-clock sit-in to demand a vote on gun control bills.

As Republican Speaker Paul Ryan tried to regain control he was met with chants of “no bill, no break”.

The protest comes in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shootings - the worst terror attack in the US since 9/11.

As unruly scenes played out, the Republicans switched off the House TV cameras but Democrats continued to feed live pictures via their phones.

The sit-in was into its 10th hour when Democrats began camping out on the house floor with sleeping bags, pillows, blankets and doughnuts that were shipped in.

When Mr Ryan stepped to the podium to take back control and hold votes on routine business, angry Democrats shouted and waved pieces of paper with the names of gun victims.

Mr Ryan attempted to ignore the outbursts and announce the business of the day, pounding down his gavel over shouting, “shame, shame, shame”.

Democrats shouted back before singing “We Shall Overcome,” still holding up the names of gun victims.

Even after the House adjourned around 3.15am local time, Democrats stayed on the House floor. Representative Maxine Waters of California said she was ready to stay “until Hell freezes over.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said: “Just because they cut and run in the dark of night, just because they have left doesn’t mean we are taking no for an answer.

“We won’t stop until the job is done.”

In the upper house Senators are pushing for a compromise with new legislation that would stop gun sales to a limited number of people who are on some terrorism watch lists.

Mr Ryan has said he will not bring a gun control vote in the House of Representatives.

“They know that we will not bring a bill that takes away a person’s constitutionally guaranteed rights without...due process.”



Edited by Penguin4x4

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4 hours ago, Aaron Clinton said:

Could be a rough day here in Baltimore.

Not Guilty. Cue riots in 3...2...1...

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19 yards of fiber 4,500psi concrete finished and sealed $3,475.86! 

Freaking Awesome!

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5 hours ago, nem said:

Some guys wake up to morning wood and woke up to this!




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New for 2017 Panameras get a nice round rump



Edited by Penguin4x4

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Never change, Japan. NEVER.



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13 hours ago, Penguin4x4 said:

New for 2017 Panameras get a nice round rump




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19 hours ago, nem said:

Some guys wake up to morning wood and woke up to this!


A live look in on Neal:



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I don't really care what you do today, but your life and day would be better if you checked this series out.




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If I had zero% body fat I would be 224.9 pounds.

I ate roughly 4000 calories last night before bed however so I am not zero percent body fat.

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Pushing this condo/townhome project out at super rush right down to the wire.  Ugh.

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Got my pistol back from Täurus. . .   Same damn thing. . .

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