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2 subs at different tuning?

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i just need to play around with this. build lots of boxes, try other woofers... i need to hear how things change and see how things work or dont work together. 

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If you decide to try different ported enclosure tunings than use external aero ports or pvc pipe. Figure out the net volume, area of the ports, and port length needed for each tuning frequency. Start with low tuning, and incrementally cut them down to try the next tuning point.


I don't believe doing the above will get what you want, but if you're going to try different tunings anyway than the above should make it easier.

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im not convinced that ill know what i want untill i hear it. following that i feel that i need to play with this. maybe i dont have the sub that i need but maybe i will get what i want out of it or maybe ill be selling it and buying two Q's or some other sub. maybe a sealed box with a second SP4 will give me what im looking for. what i really feel i need to do is run a sweep through the hz to see exactly where the bass i want starts and ends so i can get a better idea.

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to be clear my highs and mid range are ok (maybe a little low when the sub is fully maxed but not by much). its the mid-high true bass that i want to increase the volume on.

Umm, no they aren't. They suck at your needs otherwise you wouldn't have made this thread. That 10" is NOT a good fit for you.

i think i will make 1 sealed and 1 octo port box. i want to build a series of ports from 32-39 and up through 45hz to see how the sound changes. there is a way to do a bandpass thing where one side of a sub is sealed and the other vented right? i feel like i have seen those, would that give me the ability to have the best of both worlds?

And that will suck WAY worse than what you have now. Have you not been reading in your own thread?

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Whatever other site you are reading on is misleading the crap out of you. Octo, rofl.

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So I didn't feel like reading through all the nonsense but are you proposing a sixth order BP?

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Octo = 8 ports?

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Octo = 8 ports?

Have to have at least 8 ports. 4 on each side. Spider Enclosure.

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to be clear my highs and mid range are ok (maybe a little low when the sub is fully maxed but not by much). its the mid-high true bass that i want to increase the volume on.


If that were the case, you wouldn't need to run your subs to 150hz.  That makes it painfully obvious your midbass aren't doing what you need them to do.



i think i will make 1 sealed and 1 octo port box. i want to build a series of ports from 32-39 and up through 45hz to see how the sound changes. there is a way to do a bandpass thing where one side of a sub is sealed and the other vented right? i feel like i have seen those, would that give me the ability to have the best of both worlds?


No.  And why the octoport?  Please don't tell me you've bought into the nonsense hype.

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Googled Octoport.  It now goes into the CCA wire, car audio hybrid "T-line" and RMS equates to output folder in my BS cabinet...

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the advantage of octo port was explained to me as being able to change tuning on a whim with out needing to build a new box. 


ok so mid range is not doing what it is supposed to. i dont know of any mid range bass speaker for the door that is able to vibrate the car apart. i feel that i can hear it just fine but just not feel it. what i really need to do is a frequency sweep so i can for certain say X frequency is where i want it cut and X frequency is where it starts to get quiet adn so on. most of what im going on is so subjective that its very hard to quantify what i want, what i have, and what you are explaining. 


ive got the wood for a new box that im going to build tomorrow, my understanding is that a sealed box will give me a flatter response curve and thus i would be able to better know what the sub is capable of. 

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Most people refer to that as a swappable port, and it is accomplished multiple ways from the simple to the complex. An aero port would be the easiest and probably the most cost effective.

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ahh, i have only ever heard of it as an octo port. well i got my new alternator yesterday so i can start testing this system with out fear of destroying my amps. ill see where it gets me.

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It is only an Octogon for looks...  Another gimmick...

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there are so many "best things ever" and gimmicks around that its hard to sift through them given that i have limited experience in custom fab. 

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That part is simple really. Just don't build anything but a standard ported or sealed enclosure. There are applications for other alignments, but they are few and far between.

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You really need to listen to these guys. They're the most knowledgable people when it comes to car audio. What they suggest or say is most likely going to be the right way or the best way for you.

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there are so many "best things ever" and gimmicks around that its hard to sift through them given that i have limited experience in custom fab. 

In short.....if no one can explain why it's better, it's a gimmick. 


I did a google search for that Octoport before I posted.  The only information I could find about it was essentially;


"I don't know why it works better, but it does.  That Dave guy is really smart and has tested everything.  These must be the best because if there was anything better he'd use that instead".


BS flag should immediately raise.


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