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I need vids!!

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Please Send me your Videos of your Fi Subs. Any and everyone you have.

Please tell me the Specs of the system. Sub, Amp and Box...

Thanks guys...

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do they give you a certain good feeling down below :wackit:


a sucky one of mine i did a day after i got em

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Box is 11.6 cubes tuned to 30 hz, each wall of the box (not including the baffle) is a sandwich of materials. in order from outside to inside, 3/4"mdf, 1/2"drywall, 1/2"mdf. Theres allthread bracing the front and sides of the box too. The baffle is 1.5 inches of mdf thick. The top has an extra 1.5 inches of mdf on it making it 3.25"thick. I think its about 120-125 square inches of port (i cant remember right). The port isnt rounded yet because it sounds amazing as is and its too cold out to fix somethin that aint broken. I need to fiberglass the inde of the box too. I still havent bondoed the fiberglass baffle flares yet either. It'll happen soo though. The amp is a Lanzar Opti1400D running at 1ohm set to 1000watts.

Edited by johny24

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Sorry Grim thought I'd read all the threads and had this in mind for ahwile. Will Definately leave your link on here so together we can get a bunch of vids. Cool? Joe Rod

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Mods, anyways to take Joes thread and merge with this one?

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don't forget u get a new project soon if everything goes right


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subs: fully loaded btl 15 x 2

box: 8 cuft net tuned to around 40hz

amps: memphis 4kw x 2

song: "gimme that" by paul wall

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don't forget u get a new project soon if everything goes right


I have forgotten...what is it im doing? Sorry I have the memory span of a 2 month old baby...And no im not joking...

I Have plans for 1 10in BL in the Jeep(going away for 6 months and I need the cargo area, but dont worry the 18 will be replaced with a BTL when i get back)

And then I will be doing 2 10in BL's(??) in a Ext Cab Truck in march...

I think ill have a few more vids up soon of my self. So keep up the good work guys...

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ill have vids on thursday....if i forget to post send a pm me and yell at me lol.

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Not Fi subs but...

2 12" Eclipse TIs and a Sundown 1500.1

Then why would you post it on the FI forum?

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btl 15" loaded

orion 2500d

box is 4.97 before speaker and port. like 3.4 after speaker and port tuned to 30hz+-1

o yeah and my driver side rear cab window has almost completly blown off, the insane flex has broken the little nuts that hold it on! OPPPSS!!

showing off the roof flex

Edited by 3976robert

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