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i've been reading up on building a computer later this year and now i win this beast... i believe it will be shipped to me in separate components so i have to put it together atleast.

just got a tracking number today.... 54 lbs!! Should be here next week or so.

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you won that little unit?

that's kinda cool.

I'm thinking about going dual sli with my nvidias. price came down so far, the boost would be great if/when I tripple/dual moniter.

congrats to you mang.


monitor wise my setup will be very pathetic... i got a cheap ass 19" lcd (1280x1024 res) right now... i guess ill have to hook it up to my parents 42 ich plasma to really get some use out of it, graphics wise lol

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Nope, I was just curious wtf was in smallville MO so I googled it and found the town website company directory, short list. :D

ya, no kidding, I think if this happens, I'd just live in Columbia and commute the 20 miles

I just can't see you living in a small Missouri town Tom... Living in Columbia would be quite a bit more exciting, halfway between K.C. and St. Louis too.

Columbia would probably be culture shock enough, Centralia would be twilight-zone-esque

Columbia is a std college town.

std = standard or sexually transmitted disease? lol

standard, lol

had to ask, i do go to ASU after all

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i've been reading up on building a computer later this year and now i win this beast... i believe it will be shipped to me in separate components so i have to put it together atleast.

just got a tracking number today.... 54 lbs!! Should be here next week or so.

Seriously? Wicked!

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So...I think i passed up the precious p yesterday

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but it was from a friend that i really am not excited about

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Come on Big Tex!

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i've been reading up on building a computer later this year and now i win this beast... i believe it will be shipped to me in separate components so i have to put it together atleast.

just got a tracking number today.... 54 lbs!! Should be here next week or so.

Seriously? Wicked!

ya im fucking pumped!!! i've never won anything like this before and i doubt i ever will again lol...

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but it was from a friend that i really am not excited about

p is p...

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but it was from a friend that i really am not excited about

p is p...

x2, just make the most of it if you do :woot: .

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agreed, i'm 90% sure she was offering it to me, but it was not a close ended offer

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agreed, i'm 90% sure she was offering it to me, but it was not a close ended offer

close ended?

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Nope, I was just curious wtf was in smallville MO so I googled it and found the town website company directory, short list. :D

ya, no kidding, I think if this happens, I'd just live in Columbia and commute the 20 miles

I just can't see you living in a small Missouri town Tom... Living in Columbia would be quite a bit more exciting, halfway between K.C. and St. Louis too.

Columbia would probably be culture shock enough, Centralia would be twilight-zone-esque

Columbia is a std college town.

std = standard or sexually transmitted disease? lol

standard, lol

had to ask, i do go to ASU after all

In MN Dinky town(u of m area) we got gopher warts a plenty.

dirty dirty college whookers.

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I wake up in 5 hours to feed the my little guy. I are sleepy.

Sean needs to renew his liscence and get a beater. this late night downtown stuff is brutal on a working stiff like me some days.

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54 lbs of computer is a fuck ton of computer. Aaron is gonna make you join his seti group now.


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it seams that other than the new a/s 5 from audi my shoulder litterally prevent me from exiting the car in a normal fation. The worst of which was an A8l that I thought would really fit.

the A6, not as much. sexy coper colored one with a nice extra wood great interior. However, talk about sleepy feel from the drivers seat. They also must make audi seats for the skinny non beer and sausage weight lifting germans.

The s5 is STILL possible my personal favorite for sexiest looking car made.

I need to get down to mr m5's area and check out whats on the lots. over east here there is nothing but 10K overprices cars. i.e. similarly equiped m5 on the lot today to another 2006 that I saw in the area 60k vs 33k online.... better color on the lot though.

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54 lbs of computer is a fuck ton of computer. Aaron is gonna make you join his seti group now.


the weight is really shocking, its not a full size tower either...

the really sad part about it is this computer is worth more then my car... maybe more then the car + my system since my tranny is going out... and then throw in the value of my macbook and i think ill be replacing the door to my bedroom w/ something more secure... maybe motion sensors and a automatic gun turret will provide enough protection.. ROFL

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On a plane, in my flippy floppies on

You're not truely MN unless you rock birkenstocks(socks are allowed) in newly fell snow and swim trunks at 0 or below.

Sounds like I may fit in... but forget socks :lol:

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badass computer man (what was your name again?)

friends sisters....are you the kind of person that keeps a friend for a lifetime or would you rather fuck the sister and not give a fuck about losing the friend?

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I wake up in 5 hours to feed the my little guy. I are sleepy.

Sean needs to renew his liscence and get a beater. this late night downtown stuff is brutal on a working stiff like me some days.

You are too nice, make him cab it. Then he won't do the late night downtown stuff.

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