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Even as big of a cripple as you are, you could still squash me like a bug. :P

If I could catch you from my walker. LoL

At least a walker makes a good bench rest for when the thuglettes try to run. Maybe I can get some armor plating on it.....

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I got a kiss in the eye from a 7mm mag.

Right under the brow. Small eye releif FTL.

I would love to come shoot with you sometime and pick up pointers.

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I got a kiss in the eye from a 7mm mag.

Right under the brow. Small eye releif FTL.

I would love to come shoot with you sometime and pick up pointers.

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Should also be a few precision rifles and a silhouette handgun in some gawd awful crazy rifle chambering. I think throw a smattering of 1911's in there and should be a good crowd.

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I got a kiss in the eye from a 7mm mag.

Right under the brow. Small eye releif FTL.

I would love to come shoot with you sometime and pick up pointers.

Its been a few years now since I've shot anything competitively but you know the saying, those who can, do, those who can't teach. :P

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Slow HOP is slow.

My fault, been in a bunch of meetings today.

And I had the day off, but no day care.

On a day off in your line of work there should be no day care brother. Gotta get as much time with the children as possible.


I took the day off since there was no daycare. Believe it or not, I spend a lot of time with my kids. Even my "toy" time now includes them. There will be a few days this winter that this isn't the cASE though.

Gotta play on the snowmobile sometime!

Never enough, normally I do it after they go to bed. Night time is safer since I can see the oncoming morons headlights when the fuckers can't stay on their side of the trail.

Year or so ago I had a dealing of that. Trail was edged with cactus on either side, I went as far over as I could, and the other guy stuck to his line right down the center of the trail. Ended up clipping bars, and hitting his swing arm. Then promptly got cursed at for going the wrong way. Fucking asshat thought he knew better until his group told him they were actually going the opposite way people had gone for years.

Our trails are not directional, but I keep my ski pretty much off the right side on blind turns. Fuckers who can't handle the speed they are riding on the other hand don't :(

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The couple times I've rode snowmobiles I thought it was the most fun one could have in that terrible season with your clothes on. Nothing like blasting across places at 60+mph on snow where roads don't exist. :)

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Should have a decent collection at the range

Glock 26

Glock 17

CZ-75 9mm

XD 9mm

GSG 1911 .22

S&W 442

older S&W .38 revolver

Win '64 in .243


CZ-452 .17HMR

Ruger 10/22 w/ the toggle bolt action

Sig 228

Ruger super blackhawk .44mag

Savage 7mm mag

And a few other toys I can't think of right now. smile.png

Fun times there!

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I got a kiss in the eye from a 7mm mag.

Right under the brow. Small eye releif FTL.

I would love to come shoot with you sometime and pick up pointers.

Its been a few years now since I've shot anything competitively but you know the saying, those who can, do, those who can't teach. :P

Shooting with someone who knows, or has been trained will be a billion times more helpful than me just reading and popping rounds.

I think the only reason I have any "natural" pistol skills is my size and wrists. My hands have never been strong or big, but from 10 years in martial arts with akido and other joint manipulation styles they got strong and flexible.

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Shit Matt :( :( :(

Sean didnt you have some achy joint issue a few years back that was viral based?

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The worst part is it started a fight. I am becoming a real McAsshole and my interpretation of my W is she either doesn't believe me or doesn't care.

Way worse feeling like that tha hurting.

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The couple times I've rode snowmobiles I thought it was the most fun one could have in that terrible season with your clothes on. Nothing like blasting across places at 60+mph on snow where roads don't exist. smile.png

I miss that about being up north. I loved riding snowmobiles as a kid. But honestly, I get more of a kick riding my quad. It isn't quite so cold.

Matt, I have arthritis in my knees, hands and back, so I feel your pain. Fortunately for me it is not RA, though, because I know that hurts like a motherfucker. I am also fortunate that it came on slowly, so I got used to the pain as it built. Best of luck with the diagnosis, and hopefully the treatments selected are beneficial.

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Shit Matt sad.pngsad.pngsad.png

Sean didnt you have some achy joint issue a few years back that was viral based?

Either viral based or trichinosis. The latter is doubtful but the symptoms were strikingly similar and it just went away. Doc's had no fucking clue.

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The worst part is it started a fight. I am becoming a real McAsshole and my interpretation of my W is she either doesn't believe me or doesn't care.

Way worse feeling like that tha hurting.

Just keep in mind, it is likely she is sympathetic, but people who don't suffer from our ailments simply cannot understand what we are going through. I felt the same way when I had cancer, and my clusters. It seemed like people around me were indifferent. But in retrospect I realized that it wasn't indifference, it was really that they never dealt with it from a first person point of view, and simply couldn't understand the pain.

The pain is no cluster headache.

That is a plus. Always remember that no matter what you are dealing with, there is always something to be optimistic about. When I had cancer and was still doubtful about survival, I saw a commercial about kids with terminal cancer. These kids would never be able to grow up and live any of the things that healthy people can. Depressing? Yeah. But I still had a lot to be thankful for.

But it's humiliating.

Nonsense. It may feel that way, but you are not giving up, and there is nothing you have done to put yourself in this situation. If it was something that was self inflicted, because of a poor choice you made in life perhaps (such as slamming heroin and becoming an addict), humiliation might be the best way to describe how you feel. It was not a choice, it is simply your burden to bear in life. How you choose to deal with what life has thrown your way could really pin down if you should be feeling humiliation or triumph.

Well wishes are going your way, bud. Stay strong.

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Good words. This morning was insanity. I am so thankful 4 simple ibuprofen made it bearable enough to go soak in the gyms hot tub. Not limping now.

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Shit Matt sad.pngsad.pngsad.png

Sean didnt you have some achy joint issue a few years back that was viral based?

Either viral based or trichinosis. The latter is doubtful but the symptoms were strikingly similar and it just went away. Doc's had no fucking clue.

I really hope it is the flu type A plus my psoriasis acting together to irritate my joints. The byproduct of my hyperactive immune system could be the problem. Since simple ibu worked today(it hasn't the last week so I gave up trying it) there is some real hope it isn't RA.

Yod I hope it isn't.

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Good words. This morning was insanity. I am so thankful 4 simple ibuprofen made it bearable enough to go soak in the gyms hot tub. Not limping now.

Glad to hear that.

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Yes thank you. Never knew how much walking meant to me until now.

Funny. After the work week and being on my feet for 11-12 hours a day I am thankful that I can keep my ass planted in my chair for the weekend ;)

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Ubutnu One runs horribly on my laptop, Like SLOW.


Latest release has some bullshit gui.

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