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this is why i kept the boxes that jacob sent my NS's in.. just in case

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I'm gonna start bracing my boxes with peanuts now.

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this is why i kept the boxes that jacob sent my NS's in.. just in case

I saved mine too, but that's normal for me to save everything! :P

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UPS dont give a chit either.. i used to work for UPS OMG you dont wanna know,

oh but we do..... could make for a very interesting thread

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UPS dont give a chit either.. i used to work for UPS OMG you dont wanna know,

oh but we do..... could make for a very interesting thread

Yes........ yes we do.... :chat:

If it gets bad enough I'm driving to NC my self lol

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USPS broke the basket on a 3515 I got here...but hey, it was shipped overseas.

The basket on my xxx was also broekn when I got it, not sure who is responsable.

Metal epoxy for the win.

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Ask Jacob about the basketts that UPS sheared off of a box of E8's that he was sending somewhere. Then after it happened in their facility he filed an insurance claim and they wouldn't even pay him for the damage they caused. They tried to say that he hadn't packaged the speakers well enough. We all know that's bullsh!t cause Jacob does a great job getting speakers packaged correctly. For the love of god the man love's tape (Jacob is a tapaholic :D ) UPS was at fault, those bastards.

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Holy fuzzy pictures batman. Try to hold still next time.

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u can blame Drew for the crappy pics...but u can still get an idea...and theres no way in hell that this basket could have been saved..it was broken in at least 7 places.

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the shipper just called me.he has been rather cool-headed about the whole situation and is being very professional..he said that he paid a shipping store to package the subs and ship them out.he also said he was willing to file the claim and pay me for a recone,which is all i asked for,so i wouldnt have to wait for the claim to come through.

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:( :(

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I am waiting for an Icon 15 from USPS , and I am overseas.

I hope I will get it in good conditions!!!

I received several sub and amps from USA with Fedex, and never had any problem; even when I was receiving 2 Kicker S15L7 in a one and only package.

The packaging is the most important thing because these fedex or UPS,or ... employees really don't care. They're always in a hurry. It is so easy to blame them!

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Ask Jacob about the basketts that UPS sheared off of a box of E8's that he was sending somewhere. Then after it happened in their facility he filed an insurance claim and they wouldn't even pay him for the damage they caused. They tried to say that he hadn't packaged the speakers well enough. We all know that's bullsh!t cause Jacob does a great job getting speakers packaged correctly. For the love of god the man love's tape (Jacob is a tapaholic :D ) UPS was at fault, those bastards.

UPS NEVER pays an insurance claim over $300 without taking them to court. I tell people this all the time and they never believe me... dB-r NEVER pays for insurance on a shipment because we know they do not pay, instead we pack well. If the customer doesn't pack it well enough when they send it here, we pack it extra well before shipping it out and sometimes charge the customer extra for it.

NOW, if you go to a shipper place, like the UPS Store, and pay them to package it, and pay for insurance, they MAY pay the claim if it gets broken because even if it wasn't packed well enough, that's UPS or the Store Employees fault, not your fault at all. However if over $300 I wouldn't be suprized if they still made you take them to court to get payment.... Bastards...

FedEx on the other hand, while I cannot stand our local lazy ass POS FedEx driver, he is a lazy bastard, won't even get out of the truck, likes to hand big ass 40+lb packages through the little window.... they have never done much damage to anything shipped here that I can remember, it's always UPS or the US PS that does the damage in my area.... We use UPS exclusively, but we pack well to prevent problems and have not had any major problems in a long while shipping with UPS.

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that sucks man.. i hate the way either company doesn't give a chit what it is they just throw it. Iv had good luck so far i hope my x-cons make it safe

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