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Workplace Snitching: Are you above it?

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Almost everyone who has worked anywhere has probably run into them, whether it's in retail, food, an office environment, etc. People who can't wait to tell your boss what you're not good at, what you're doing wrong, and that you were staring at your coworkers tits yesterday. Like Cutthroat B' from House, they will do whatever it takes to move up in life, even lying. Everyone hates them other than the boss, but that's who's opinion really counts.

I've never done it(nor had a reason to), but i'm actually a victim of being snitched on.

I worked at Geek Squad when i was 19

I would give customers my business card so they can call me on the side whenever they had computer issues. Making 9 dollars an hr was chump change, and best buy charged absurd prices for their services. I made a killing since i would charge customers half of what best buy charged(which was still a rip off).

One of my coworkers caught on and told the boss...was fired the same day over the phone :suicide-santa:

Anyway, are you above workplace snitching? Have you ever done it? Has anyone snitched on you? How can you tell who is one?

Edited by eggyhustles

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i am only 20 but i am towards the top of where i work been working there since i was 13 and my dads owns the company.

there a few people that dont go up to you and tell you what other people did but they will purposely while i am standing there talking or walking by they talk about a few peoples work habitat and etc. which they dont think is fair or soso did this etc. -- they wont just go say it to the office manager, my dad, or me ( im lowest of the 3) they just always mention when i am around

kinda pissed me off but i just :shrug: it off

end rant

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I don't give a shit what other people do unless it affects me.

Lately, my work has been suffering as I have to do the work of two since the other guy I work with is useless. When my boss asked me what the issue was, I let him know.

If I'm a narc, then so be it, but I'll be damned if someone else's laziness or stupidity is going to cause me to lose my job.

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I'm probably going to come off as an arrogant arseho in this post, but so be it.

IMO "snitch" and "narc" are a junior high words. The equivalent of children calling people tattletales. To me, it's a sign of immaturity. At some point in life you will outgrow the mentality that reporting behavior that violates certain rules, codes of conduct, etc is not necessarily a negative action. People are responsible for their own actions. If you are performing actions that cause negative repercussions, you have no one to blame but yourself regardless of how those actions were discovered. Certainly there are circumstances where someone is being overly "nitpicky" and create a nuisance rather than doing anything constructive, but that's not what those terms are used to imply. Those terms have a negative connotation against someone who is actually doing the right thing by advising the proper levels of authority of misdoings.

I've never done it(nor had a reason to), but i'm actually a victim of being snitched on.

I worked at Geek Squad when i was 19

I would give customers my business card so they can call me on the side whenever they had computer issues. Making 9 dollars an hr was chump change, and best buy charged absurd prices for their services. I made a killing since i would charge customers half of what best buy charged(which was still a rip off).

One of my coworkers caught on and told the boss...was fired the same day over the phone

Victim? No. The only thing you are a "victim" of is your own actions of willingly and knowingly violating your companies policies. You have no one to blame but yourself. Calling yourself a "victim" attempts to place the blame on someone else.

You do realize companies have policies in place for a reason, correct? There are a wide multitude of reasons, ranging from codes of conduct to legal issues. In many cases, if a coworker is aware of certain policy violations but fails to report those actions, they can also be held accountable. Why should someone else put themselves in jeopardy so that you can continue doing something that you both know is wrong and will have repercussions? There can be legal repercussions as well. When this lady that works for me was in high school, she was aware that people at her employer were taking money from the cash drawer but never told anyone. The employer finally caught on and the police investigated. She had charges brought against her as an accessory to the crime since she knew they were doing it but did not report it, even though she never personally took a dime.

People need to learn to deal with the consequences of their own actions, rather than blaming others for their own wrong doings and trying to claim to be a "victim" of anything other than their own bad judgment.


Before I owned my own business I was in big box store retail, Management to be specific. If one of my employee's intentionally and/or knowingly broke policy, I would fire them on the spot. Anyone who knew of the breach and didn't come forward was either also released or put on a serious warning.

While not everyone agrees with every policy, its everyone's duty to follow them. There were a ton of policies I thought were a total joke, yet I still enforced them and followed them. There are at least 10 people in line for any given job, and most would be more than willing to follow every policy to the T, and for less money. Especially in the current economic times. Whether its a friend at work or fellow employee you don't know well, NOBODY is worth losing your job over unless they are going to cover your entire income while you're unemployed. And even then, it will effect future job opportunities.

So "snitch".... you're damn right I would and will. I have a family to support. One thing I will do is if its a very minor infraction, I will talk to that person first, warning them if it happens again I will tell the boss. Policies are in place to protect you, the company, and the customer 99.9% of the time. So by breaking policy, you are always directly effecting one of the 3 in a negative way.

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People need to learn to deal with the consequences of their own actions, rather than blaming others for their own wrong doings and trying to claim to be a "victim" of anything other than their own bad judgment.

:werd_msword: , one thing people dont do today. I would just be made I got caught thats all, I wouldnt be mad at the person at all.

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It they are doing something that will risk my income, I'll be talking with my boss ASAP. If their ass is on the line they can go nuts :)

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It they are doing something that will risk my income, I'll be talking with my boss ASAP. If their ass is on the line they can go nuts :)

X2, if it isnt directly affecting me, then why should I care?

To the OP, all the power to you for doing you own thing behind Best Buy but surely you couldnt have been mad for getting fired for it...it was inevitable.

Now, about the guy who "tattled", what you were doing had no affect on him whatsoever, I completely understand where your coming from.

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Do whatever you want as my co worker but when you start doing things that are going to jeopardize my job security and having our boss doubting me then thats when something is about to be straightened out.

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Too many rules in my job. It all depends on the situation and what it effects. 99.75% of the time I dont say shit. In my line of work being a 'snitch' 'tattler' or 'whistleblower' can get you some major shit. And its never good for the person involved or you when all is said and done.


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I'm probably going to come off as an arrogant arseho in this post, but so be it.

IMO "snitch" and "narc" are a junior high words. The equivalent of children calling people tattletales. To me, it's a sign of immaturity. At some point in life you will outgrow the mentality that reporting behavior that violates certain rules, codes of conduct, etc is not necessarily a negative action. People are responsible for their own actions. If you are performing actions that cause negative repercussions, you have no one to blame but yourself regardless of how those actions were discovered. Certainly there are circumstances where someone is being overly "nitpicky" and create a nuisance rather than doing anything constructive, but that's not what those terms are used to imply. Those terms have a negative connotation against someone who is actually doing the right thing by advising the proper levels of authority of misdoings.

I've never done it(nor had a reason to), but i'm actually a victim of being snitched on.

I worked at Geek Squad when i was 19

I would give customers my business card so they can call me on the side whenever they had computer issues. Making 9 dollars an hr was chump change, and best buy charged absurd prices for their services. I made a killing since i would charge customers half of what best buy charged(which was still a rip off).

One of my coworkers caught on and told the boss...was fired the same day over the phone

Victim? No. The only thing you are a "victim" of is your own actions of willingly and knowingly violating your companies policies. You have no one to blame but yourself. Calling yourself a "victim" attempts to place the blame on someone else.

You do realize companies have policies in place for a reason, correct? There are a wide multitude of reasons, ranging from codes of conduct to legal issues. In many cases, if a coworker is aware of certain policy violations but fails to report those actions, they can also be held accountable. Why should someone else put themselves in jeopardy so that you can continue doing something that you both know is wrong and will have repercussions? There can be legal repercussions as well. When this lady that works for me was in high school, she was aware that people at her employer were taking money from the cash drawer but never told anyone. The employer finally caught on and the police investigated. She had charges brought against her as an accessory to the crime since she knew they were doing it but did not report it, even though she never personally took a dime.

People need to learn to deal with the consequences of their own actions, rather than blaming others for their own wrong doings and trying to claim to be a "victim" of anything other than their own bad judgment.

I do agree that it was inappropriate of me but i was on my own at the time and it's almost impossible to survive in NYC on 9 bucks an hr. Would i do it now? no..but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get by.

I just don't see how it would benefit my coworker by telling the boss..

He wasn't going to get a promotion or higher pay, so why throw me under the bus?

It they are doing something that will risk my income, I'll be talking with my boss ASAP. If their ass is on the line they can go nuts :)

X2, if it isnt directly affecting me, then why should I care?

To the OP, all the power to you for doing you own thing behind Best Buy but surely you couldnt have been mad for getting fired for it...it was inevitable.

Now, about the guy who "tattled", what you were doing had no affect on him whatsoever, I completely understand where your coming from.


Getting fired didn't get me mad at all..irked me a little since i was out of job, but i got over it soon since i was able to secure a spot at a consulting firm soon after. :drink40:

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I do agree that it was inappropriate of me but i was on my own at the time and it's almost impossible to survive in NYC on 9 bucks an hr. Would i do it now? no..but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get by.

I just don't see how it would benefit my coworker by telling the boss..

He wasn't going to get a promotion or higher pay, so why throw me under the bus?

You were in the wrong and he was in the right, not sure why you are questioning it. You were stealing clients and therefore money from your employer. Had you exceeded $500 and they had any sort of HR they could probably sue you for a felony and completely tarnish your future. Far from snitching, he did the right thing and what he had to. If you want to run your own business fine, if you want to be a thief and steal for a living you should be put in jail. The law is very simple as well, if you know of a crime you are guilty of being an accomplice if you don't report it. And typically being and accomplice and being the felon have nearly the same penalty. I find it rather immature that you think he shouldn't of done it since it would have protected you.

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Dude you were hustling your work on the side. REGUARDLESS of how much they were raping people compaired to what you were paid, you were snatching work from your employer. Thats not right.

Let me give you an example. If you have a shop doing auto repair and you charge 175 to do a set of brakes using shitastic bottom of the barrel pads. Now you have a guy offering to do it for people coming in at another place for 35 bucks plus parts cost so a total of like 95. Wouldnt you as the shop owner feel like he was taking money out of your pocket, possibly blocking you from more business from other people and more revenue wouldnt you feel like they stole the food right off your fucking table?

As a MANAGER its your JOB to look out for the store in that manner. You see someone taking a cut at work even if its on the side you fix it. One way or another. You got caught learn to deal with it man.

I know for damn sure people get fired and blackballed from working anywhere in that town for alot less. If this manager knew other people he or she could of EASILY blocked you from getting work all over town.


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I see where your coming from but I still wouldnt steal from wal-mart even though I feel like they get over on everybody (customers and employees). Its life man, you learned your lesson just move on. Next time dont do it or just dont get caught, thats how I roll straight up. :peepwall:

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That i understand only because the shop is more than likely a mom and pop

best buy isn't.

Justify anyway you want.

Ligitamate bussinesses have a thing called overhead, that the fly-by-night cut throat wannabe's don't have. They are just that Fly By Night.

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Doesnt matter. The difference here is mom and pop have maybe 5 mouths to feed.

Best buy has hundreds of thousands. They have shareholders who help pay your check, and customers who pay it too.

Your argument here is about the same as a hooker telling congress "Legalize prostitution. Its just like going on a date. You shell out money expecting something at the end of the night. The only difference is we take out the uncertainty, and we cut out the time you spend bullshitting." Just like that argument wont hold any water in congress, yours holds none here.


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Doesnt matter. The difference here is mom and pop have maybe 5 mouths to feed.

Best buy has hundreds of thousands. They have shareholders who help pay your check, and customers who pay it too.

Your argument here is about the same as a hooker telling congress "Legalize prostitution. Its just like going on a date. You shell out money expecting something at the end of the night. The only difference is we take out the uncertainty, and we cut out the time you spend bullshitting." Just like that argument wont hold any water in congress, yours holds none here.


who takes a bigger hit

something taking 500 from a mom and pop shop or something taking 500 from a multi billion dollar corp?

Prostitution is whole 'nother story. But i do feel that someone should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies..same goes for drugs imo

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I see where your coming from but I still wouldnt steal from wal-mart even though I feel like they get over on everybody (customers and employees). Its life man, you learned your lesson just move on. Next time dont do it or just dont get caught, thats how I roll straight up. :peepwall:

Def learned my lesson

I've moved on..that was 4 years ago when i was 19.

If pay was good, i wouldn't of done it but i had no choice..living on 9 an hr in nyc is suicide

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I don't give a shit what other people do unless it affects me.

Lately, my work has been suffering as I have to do the work of two since the other guy I work with is useless. When my boss asked me what the issue was, I let him know.

If I'm a narc, then so be it, but I'll be damned if someone else's laziness or stupidity is going to cause me to lose my job.

I agree, If someone is going to sabotage themselves I don't want to go down with them. If a superior comes up to me and asks me something about someone that is relative to my job, i will let them know what's going on.


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I don't give a shit what other people do unless it affects me.

Lately, my work has been suffering as I have to do the work of two since the other guy I work with is useless. When my boss asked me what the issue was, I let him know.

If I'm a narc, then so be it, but I'll be damned if someone else's laziness or stupidity is going to cause me to lose my job.

I agree, If someone is going to sabotage themselves I don't want to go down with them. If a superior comes up to me and asks me something about someone that is relative to my job, i will let them know what's going on.



If my coworker was stealing and my boss asked me if i knew about it, i'd tell him. However, if someone is screwing the pooch, and it doesnt affect my job one way or another, im minding my own business.

What i don't like and what was somewhat the purpose of this topic are busybodies

for example, There's a busybody in my office who tells EVERYONE'S business. I'm not even kidding. If you took too long of a break, or didn't put a file back correctly, or you took a personal call in your office and she overhears, she WILL report you. Like when an intern walked in some new shoes and my busybody co-worker was like, "Did you buy those while you shopping online yesterday morning?", in front of my supervisor, myself, and a few other people. I am very lucky that my office is kind of isolated from everyone else's, so she can't really check on me like that.

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Doesnt matter. The difference here is mom and pop have maybe 5 mouths to feed.

Best buy has hundreds of thousands. They have shareholders who help pay your check, and customers who pay it too.

Your argument here is about the same as a hooker telling congress "Legalize prostitution. Its just like going on a date. You shell out money expecting something at the end of the night. The only difference is we take out the uncertainty, and we cut out the time you spend bullshitting." Just like that argument wont hold any water in congress, yours holds none here.


who takes a bigger hit

something taking 500 from a mom and pop shop or something taking 500 from a multi billion dollar corp?

Prostitution is whole 'nother story. But i do feel that someone should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies..same goes for drugs imo

500 is 500. Anyway you slice it. As a shareholder (although minor) you taking business from companies I have a vested interest in through theft or deception cuts down on my business' profit margins and helps drop the price of my stock. You also take other people retirement investments and help drive them down as well.

So if you think about it you are stealing 500 from each and every shareholder no matter how much or how little they own. As such I want my money back. If firing you for being a decietful little fuck helps me get my money back, I will lose zero sleep over it. Hell I may even sleep better than normal.

And yes prostitution is another story. But just like the hooker you are trying to justify your wrongdoings by any and all means available. As for the doing whatever you want with your own body, that is another discussion for another time, and another thread. Not this one.\


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I don't give a shit what other people do unless it affects me.

Lately, my work has been suffering as I have to do the work of two since the other guy I work with is useless. When my boss asked me what the issue was, I let him know.

If I'm a narc, then so be it, but I'll be damned if someone else's laziness or stupidity is going to cause me to lose my job.

I agree, If someone is going to sabotage themselves I don't want to go down with them. If a superior comes up to me and asks me something about someone that is relative to my job, i will let them know what's going on.



If my coworker was stealing and my boss asked me if i knew about it, i'd tell him. However, if someone is screwing the pooch, and it doesnt affect my job one way or another, im minding my own business.

What i don't like and what was somewhat the purpose of this topic are busybodies

for example, There's a busybody in my office who tells EVERYONE'S business. I'm not even kidding. If you took too long of a break, or didn't put a file back correctly, or you took a personal call in your office and she overhears, she WILL report you. Like when an intern walked in some new shoes and my busybody co-worker was like, "Did you buy those while you shopping online yesterday morning?", in front of my supervisor, myself, and a few other people. I am very lucky that my office is kind of isolated from everyone else's, so she can't really check on me like that.

It ALWAYS affects your job. Lower money coming in means less money for pay raises, bonus', store improvements, and things like that. Its kinda like cancer. Just beacuse you dont see it, and are not directly effected by it on a daily basis, does not mean it doesn't exist.


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