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J, you have to start somewhere. Seems self influenced and not real to me so far. Only way to break that habit is to change it completely.

IMO, the best way to do that is to take your 5 favorite foods for each meal and NOT eat them for a month. If you continue down the path you are taking your body is going to fall apart as you are killing it.

You also should for a period like a month not eat ANY fast food. Your body is so used to sugar and fake filler that it isn't accepting real food. You've essentially trained yourself to live on plastic and artificial shit so that is the only thing your body wants.

Am I taking a leap of faith since you haven't shared what you do eat yet? No. I've NEVER met an exception. Finicky eaters that have extremely limited diets are always addicted to shit food that you shouldn't it. I surely am not trying to instigate an argument about that portion, but there is a great exercise that you can start RIGHT NOW. Write down everything you eat everyday for a month. Don't review it, just write it down. I guarantee when you read it next month you'll cry.

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Oh, most alfredo is shit but heavenly when made right

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Think it time for some headphone. where can i get some good info? head-fi.org a decent forum?

Check what deals Newegg or Amazon has on Sennheiser's. wink.png

thanks, i'll check them out. got a cheap pair of sennheiser ear buds, pretty decent for 15 bucks.

i'm curious as to when you approach diminishing returns with headphones. to be a bit more specific, none amplified, full size.

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With this talk of new foods I have one for you Sean.

Fish. Never really cared for the smell, taste or texture except for fish fry's when I was a kid and even that was hit or miss.

I know I am missing A SHIT TON of nutrients by skipping Fish tho.


Has, that is sort of like saying meat. More fish proteins than all other types combined. What don't you like about fish?

Its usually the texture and taste. I have never eaten raw fish as it just looks vile. The smell of cooked fish is just an unpleasant smell to me. Texture wise the last time I ate some it just felt slimy.


Umm, you should stop eating rotten fish, lol.

Texture & smell should not be at all as you describe. And if it smells and feels that way I can guarantee how it is going to taste. Is there any seafood you like?

Literally the only seafood I have 'liked' for any amount of time was when I was a kid, and that was fish fry's, popcorn shrimp, and fried clam strips. I have tried clams casino and found those to also be rather disgusting.

I am an extremely finicky eater. Been that way my whole life. At 27 it gets rather embarrassing. I also despise alfredo, or anything that has a 'creamy' base to it.


I'm not a huge fan of seafood per-say but I do like mild fish like catfish, etc.

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Catfish and crawdads!

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Wanna fuck with me:


(Reuters) - The biggest lobster ever caught in Maine, a 27-pounder (12.25 kg) nicknamed "Rocky" with claws tough enough to snap a man's arm, was released back into the ocean on Thursday after being trapped in a shrimp net last week, marine officials said.
Edited by stefanhinote

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Struggled today for literally 2 hours to change a front sway-bar bushing on a Golf. Combine bad quality parts with german tolerances (and the fact that everything is cramped) and you end up with bruised knuckles and a lot of swearing.

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And because of that delay I couldn't finish touching up some paint on the Jeep and I need to drive it tomorrow....

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I would shit my pants if I found that on my trash can.

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I would get out the stock pot!

That tasty looking bastard needs to get in my belly.

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I would get out the stock pot!

That tasty looking bastard needs to get in my belly.

That's a big ass pot you have. :P

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I would get out the stock pot!

That tasty looking bastard needs to get in my belly.

That's a big ass pot you have. tongue.png

Goose pot FTMFW

Or if I have to I can throw it in the giant pasta pot. might be better for steaming it.

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Benilli will handle the heavy work though. I am not losing a foot to something I want to eat.

Apparently if they eat a diet of poisonous plants they can be lethal to humans. No bueno.

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Eating land bugs ftw

have you tried them?

Do want.

No. And if I did, I'd prefer a younger one. I like 'em young!

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In particular if I am going to go down and eat 'em

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Looking through all my notes from working out, in two months I went from 15lbs 5rm to 50lbs 5rm for weighted chins. Gotta love beginner gains. :P

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Few months before that when I first got my weights, I tried doing a single chin with all 50lbs, and I couldn't even budge my arms. :lol:

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I would get out the stock pot!

That tasty looking bastard needs to get in my belly.

That's a big ass pot you have. tongue.png

I have a big ole gulasch pot, I could boil 3 of those at one time.

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Riding yesterday was hot and humid, but there was a weebit more traction. Also found a new trail someone cut, always nice riding something new.

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I would get out the stock pot!

That tasty looking bastard needs to get in my belly.

That's a big ass pot you have. tongue.png

I have a big ole gulasch pot, I could boil 3 of those at one time.

My next response: That's a big stove!

Must take up all the burners?

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My grandmother used it over an open fire. Big freaking cast iron pot. And I found a smaller one, initially thought it's flimsy sheet metal but turned out it's also cast iron.

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