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Home for a 42hrs and then off to Europe

And you don't visit me ?!?!


Come to the black forest and consider yourself visited. :P

ahhh, easy, I'll set sail and navigate up the Danube. Should be there quick ! :P

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What's with the ellipses? Seems like an unfinished thought and I don't know which direction you were taking it.

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Home for a 42hrs and then off to Europe

And you don't visit me ?!?!


Come to the black forest and consider yourself visited. :P

ahhh, easy, I'll set sail and navigate up the Danube. Should be there quick !

I'll buy the beers

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Not feeling motivated to do anything today :(

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Kicking homework's ass, and Studying for a test. All while hoping my mom comes out safe of her surgery.

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30mg study pill, and my Monster BFC= Tweaking out like no other, and going to crash hard in 30+ hours.

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Not feeling motivated to do anything today :(

This some times motivates me....


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All while hoping my mom comes out safe of her surgery.

Best of luck to your mother !

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Not feeling motivated to do anything today :(

This some times motivates me....


Do not want !

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lol, yea they filled with a crap load of sugar, so not really good for anyone. It is also nuts that its 32oz.

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Anyone, every taken Logic in college?

Extra credit question I got:

In a certain place, all the inhabitants are either Knight or Knaves. Knights always tell the truth and Knaves tell the truth. You meet two inhabitants, A and B. B says: "both of us are Knaves." Determine weather A and B are Knights or Knaves. Explain your reasoning, And construct a derivation which 'mimics" your reasoning.

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Anyone, every taken Logic in college?

Extra credit question I got:

In a certain place, all the inhabitants are either Knight or Knaves. Knights always tell the truth and Knaves tell the truth. You meet two inhabitants, A and B. B says: "both of us are Knaves." Determine weather A and B are Knights or Knaves. Explain your reasoning, And construct a derivation which 'mimics" your reasoning.

.................................(crickets).........................wtf???? well I guess their is no real way to know

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lol, there is a way, I'm just curious if anyone else knows this crazy stuff. I'm barely holding on to the concepts...

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Anyone, every taken Logic in college?

Extra credit question I got:

In a certain place, all the inhabitants are either Knight or Knaves. Knights always tell the truth and Knaves tell the truth. You meet two inhabitants, A and B. B says: "both of us are Knaves." Determine weather A and B are Knights or Knaves. Explain your reasoning, And construct a derivation which 'mimics" your reasoning.

If Knights always tell the truth then A and B can't be Knights.

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Anyone, every taken Logic in college?

Extra credit question I got:

In a certain place, all the inhabitants are either Knight or Knaves. Knights always tell the truth and Knaves tell the truth. You meet two inhabitants, A and B. B says: "both of us are Knaves." Determine weather A and B are Knights or Knaves. Explain your reasoning, And construct a derivation which 'mimics" your reasoning.

If Knights always tell the truth then A and B can't be Knights.

Knaves never tell the truth though, So both of them can't be Knaves. If I just could figure out how to set-up the truth-function table lol.

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Anyone, every taken Logic in college?

Extra credit question I got:

In a certain place, all the inhabitants are either Knight or Knaves. Knights always tell the truth and Knaves tell the truth. You meet two inhabitants, A and B. B says: "both of us are Knaves." Determine weather A and B are Knights or Knaves. Explain your reasoning, And construct a derivation which 'mimics" your reasoning.

If Knights always tell the truth then A and B can't be Knights.

Knaves never tell the truth though, So both of them can't be Knaves. If I just could figure out how to set-up the truth-function table lol.

You missed the "never" from the original statement though and that made me think it's an easy answer.

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Can't find some quality wiper blades only on ebay :(

Horray for owning an american car, I have to import wiper blades...

Any of you guys using Rain-X blades ?

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