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2000 police interceptor build log

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I am about to start my build log for my new car. I'm wanting to do an 18 btl not sure about anything else yet I need a cheap amp that does 2 kw rms. For mids and highs ill run 2 sets of coaxials off the deck for now will amplify them later if necessary. I just went to pull a part today and got all the carpet for the trunk. I'm gonna try to do the big 3 tomorrow. Will get and install a HU when I decide on one. I'm not sure on electrical upgrades yet ill play that by ear. Gotta get more 0 awg wire and build the box also. Will try to add pics of the trunk before and after tomorrow or tonight. Also plan on painting some interior pieces. Any feed back or suggestions on equipment welcome.

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For the sub amp id'e either get the sundown saz2500d, saz3000d or the Audioque 2200d. They would all be great amplifiers, but if youre looking to get a cheap one, go for the audioque 2200d, althought the sundowns would be worth the extra money.

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Sound deadner.

Check everything very careful (wiring, box tuning, watch your voltage).

Keep it clean.

Amp your front stage!


Maybe a HU.

Pictures will help. And if you want people to notice your build log, well make one with quality pictures and explanations what on them.


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Sorry to get off topic, but do you have any pics of the police interceptor swap in your vic? I've been wanting to do a swap in my '90. Or did you get rid of the 86 and buy a 2000?

Edited by Audibel Customs

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I still have the 86 till i sell it. I got the 2000 as a graduation present. Uploading pics now.

Also have you done the H/0 conversion in your 90'? I know my 86' is a dog compared to the 2000'

Edited by CrownVic

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Here is the car


Here is the trunk before the carpet





Here is the carpet I got it all from pull a part for $10 the only catch was the trunk it came from was locked, so I had to pry the trunk open enough to reach in and unlatch it using an axle shaft.






I will try to get the Big 3 done tomorrow. Also what do you all think about the Pioneer DEH 1100 walmart has it for $80 and I have a gift card so It would be cheap, but im not sure yet any suggestions for one in the $100 range?

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Today I did 1 of the big three, then I bought a pioneer MEH-1200 and installed it.



Anyone know how to hook up sirens?


The new H/U


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Well pics are on hold for now because my computer is being raped by a virus at the moment

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Well Im supposed to go meet a guy from CL tomorrow around noon to look at a 18" BTL in an enclosure made from 1" MDF 45 in the corners and tuned to 34hz. I got the dimensions from him and the box will fit.

I still need a cheap amp to power the BTL still. I found an AP 3000d for 399 shipped online, just gotta wait for my old car to sell to get that.

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I would seriously think about the Audioque 2200D i think its like $389

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:popcorn: Give us More...

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Porn time.









This one is for size comparison. My dog is a 150lb Great Dane


I will post pics of the box later.

I just need to sell my car so i can get an amp.

Also how bout this for an amp? http://cardiscountstereos.com/catalog%20page.asp?Product+%23=BAMF55001D

Its rated for 3200wrms at 1ohm so it should atleast do 2500wrms It also has a variable SSF so I might get it.

Edited by CrownVic

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I put the BTL in the trunk of my 86 ran it off of my 300 watt kicker amp and that shit was beatin down the block. Police definately showed up and only on 300 watts! This thing is awesome.

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Well i put the sub and box in my 2000 and i was spray painting the port, I waited about ten minutes for it to dry then i went to look at it and like an idiot i used my lighter. I was then engulfed in a large ball of fire which left my hand and my wrist with 2nd degree burns. It also burnt some hair off my head and singed my beard off, its all good though I just learned that lesson the hard way.

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Well i put the sub and box in my 2000 and i was spray painting the port, I waited about ten minutes for it to dry then i went to look at it and like an idiot i used my lighter. I was then engulfed in a large ball of fire which left my hand and my wrist with 2nd degree burns. It also burnt some hair off my head and singed my beard off, its all good though I just learned that lesson the hard way.

holy shit that had to be scary, im sorry to hear you got burnt ]: what about the sub and your box? are they damaged?

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The carpet got a little melted but everythings cool.

Im gonna get the AQ2200D from bangingmc should be here in a couple of weeks.

I still need:


1/0 wire

ring termminals

Might need to build a new box I hope this one will hopefully work.




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Nice come up :drink40: , how does the BTL sound in that box? If it holds up I will just keep the box and put the money into something else.

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I havent hooked it up yet In this car Im waitin on the AQ 2200 to ship. I hooked it up in the 86 crown vic off 300 watts rms that shit was beatin hard. I cant wait to get that 2200d on it. Im gonna get try to buy the RCAs and get them ran tomorrow then I gotta buy some 1/0 wire and run that. Im gonna run the stock door speakers for now off the head unit for now Ill upgrade if necessary now.

sorry for spelling im heavily medicated.

Edited by CrownVic

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Very interested in your results. You need to get that 2200 hooked up asap!

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I will as soon as it gets here!

I ran my RCA's and my remote wire last night.

I also repainted my wheels,


1. Finish big 3

2. Get new battery terminals

3. Get fuse and run power wire for amp.

4. Fix e-brake

5. Change oil

6. Get voltage meter

Thats all I can think of for now but all progress is very difficult with my right hand covered in 2nd degree burns.

I need to figure out if or how large of battery bank ill need to.

Also I think im gonna try to install some LED's or neon in my trunk and cabin not sure though.

Also thimking about painting some interior trim pieces.

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lookin good crown vic. Superbrightleds.com is a good place to get leds from :)))

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Thanks man.

Also I talked to a local AutoRadio store today and to my suprise they didn't know anyone with a TL :suicide-santa:. Also the manager/owner informed me that the AQ 2200d would only put out around 1kw at 1 ohm :orly3:.

Edited by CrownVic

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