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New Crescendo amps FTMFW!!!!!!!

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Nice looking amps.

I'm looking for a bass amp, but their small price (even a bit cheaper than the DC amps) scares me !!! :peepwall: And the 3-4 weeks delay too !:suicide-santa:

I don't like pre-orders. You never know when you get your equipment.

With those prices, they will sell faaaast !

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Nice looking amps.

I'm looking for a bass amp, but their small price (even a bit cheaper than the DC amps) scares me !!! :peepwall: And the 3-4 weeks delay too !:suicide-santa:

I don't like pre-orders. You never know when you get your equipment.

With those prices, they will sell faaaast !

Yeah, those prices scare me.

Think i'm sticking with sundown.

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Sundown FTW! Tried , Proven and Reliable!

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Reliable : that's what I'm looking for !

Crossing (all) my fingers when I say : "never ever had a problem with 6 Sundown amps"

I'm trying to get the saz 2500 !

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Tried Sundown, and yes loved their products. BUT will be willing to try different products..

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Someone Help me With getting One Of these looking to order one monday.....


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Sundown FTW! Tried , Proven and Reliable!

Tell that to those who are having trouble with the SAE1200v2. Just saying. :peepwall:

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Sundown FTW! Tried , Proven and Reliable!

Tell that to those who are having trouble with the SAE1200v2. Just saying. :peepwall:

That is the one exception or 2nd considering it's the v.2. I think that is why Sundown discontinued them.

The SAZ and SAX lines are proven as top notch performers. Not saying the Crescendos won't be

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Someone Help me With getting One Of these looking to order one monday.....

They have a website you can go to! Do yourself a favor and learn to use Google! :fing34:

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Sorry but I have personally had experience with several setups that all involved sundown amp problems.

they are too protection happy.

Can't have that in the lanes..

If the price of Crescendo scares people.. then why aren't you sundown guys running Critical Mass?

The way the point was put, if it's cheaper in price, then it must not be as as good.. that was funny.

Now i know a couple of guys that have never had problems either.

But from me being in the comp scene.. there are other amps that stand a lot stronger and stay on.

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Not everybody is in the comp scene so the need for protection is provided for daily applications.

As far as prices go the Crescendo linup is very attractive I must say. Critical Mass? I have yet to understand why they have such a high price tag.

When it came to running a low impedance, competition burp system the SAZ-1500Dv.1 (is) was a beast and very reliable.

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i'm not even referring to a low impedance but i can see why u said that because that may be typical reason for amps to go in protect.

I've personally witnessed more than 2 of these amps go in protect with absolutely nothing playing..

Clipped signal has sent few i've seen in protect..

Gotta be honest, most people clip their setups but to go in protect because of it when it's too harsh is odd..

There is power to be had and it doesn't wanna give it to us.

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I think we can all agree that it doesn't matter what brand they all will have issues at one time or another. Just the nature of electronics when they want to fail they fail.

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A guy over on ****, broke down a old sundown 3000 and a cresendo 3000, and he said they were the excat same amp, same build house, same part numbers , board, fets etc.ect.ect. only difference is the board color. Guy name is 807tubnut., and the topic is in the Crescendo forum section under( 3kw measurements and mods.) It goes to show that just because it cost more doesn't make it better. And i can bet that the new line are just copies of the sundown 2000, 3500, and 4500. So why the big price difference. Crescendo 5500 $879( sd4500D $1100-1500 )i guess the extra cash goes to customer service

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A guy over on ****, broke down a old sundown 3000 and a cresendo 3000, and he said they were the excat same amp, same build house, same part numbers , board, fets etc.ect.ect. only difference is the board color. Guy name is 807tubnut., and the topic is in the Crescendo forum section under( 3kw measurements and mods.) It goes to show that just because it cost more doesn't make it better. And i can bet that the new line are just copies of the sundown 2000, 3500, and 4500. So why the big price difference. Crescendo 5500 $879( sd4500D $1100-1500 )i guess the extra cash goes to customer service

Not exactly are the new amps copies of Sundown compare the parts considering they arent even made in the same buildhouse anymore, I looked last night. The Sundown 3500 is more beefier than the Crescendo 3500, the Sundown 4500 looks to have the same parts as the Crescendo 5500 but looking at them means nothing. Even the old discountinued Sundown SAZ-2000D is beefier than the new Crescendo 2000 amp. Price would be a determining factor for most but with the delays and problems Crescendo had Im weary of getting the first handful. Im gonna sit it out and wait to make sure the heatsinks are up to par since that was what held them up the longest in production.

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Nice looking amps.

I'm looking for a bass amp, but their small price (even a bit cheaper than the DC amps) scares me !!! :peepwall: And the 3-4 weeks delay too !:suicide-santa:

I don't like pre-orders. You never know when you get your equipment.

With those prices, they will sell faaaast !

I have two Crescendo amps. I love them. Definitely not cheaply made imo.

Sundown products are great. I do think that their prices are high though.

It boogles my mind that some people think that if a product is priced fairly it must be crap. Used Sundown 3000D are going for more than a what a brand new 3kwp sold for and it was practically the same amp!

A guy over on ****, broke down a old sundown 3000 and a cresendo 3000, and he said they were the excat same amp, same build house, same part numbers , board, fets etc.ect.ect. only difference is the board color. Guy name is 807tubnut., and the topic is in the Crescendo forum section under( 3kw measurements and mods.) It goes to show that just because it cost more doesn't make it better. And i can bet that the new line are just copies of the sundown 2000, 3500, and 4500. So why the big price difference. Crescendo 5500 $879( sd4500D $1100-1500 )i guess the extra cash goes to customer service

The BC amps are not copies of Sundown amps. The boards are completely different and different build house.

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Those look really nice. I like the color combo much better now too.

If I was in the market, I would look at running the cendo's for sure.

According to most - all my current amps are cheap, shitty, dirty signal, overrated, POS. Maxxsucksonics i think it was. HAHA

Low prices dont scare me, just got to know what your buying. I like savings the money.


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Nice looking amps.

I'm looking for a bass amp, but their small price (even a bit cheaper than the DC amps) scares me !!! :peepwall: And the 3-4 weeks delay too !:suicide-santa:

I don't like pre-orders. You never know when you get your equipment.

With those prices, they will sell faaaast !

Yeah, those prices scare me.

Think i'm sticking with sundown.


Couldnt be more ignorant

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Nice looking amps.

I'm looking for a bass amp, but their small price (even a bit cheaper than the DC amps) scares me !!! :peepwall: And the 3-4 weeks delay too !:suicide-santa:

I don't like pre-orders. You never know when you get your equipment.

With those prices, they will sell faaaast !

I have two Crescendo amps. I love them. Definitely not cheaply made imo.

Sundown products are great. I do think that their prices are high though.

It boogles my mind that some people think that if a product is priced fairly it must be crap. Used Sundown 3000D are going for more than a what a brand new 3kwp sold for and it was practically the same amp!

A guy over on ****, broke down a old sundown 3000 and a cresendo 3000, and he said they were the excat same amp, same build house, same part numbers , board, fets etc.ect.ect. only difference is the board color. Guy name is 807tubnut., and the topic is in the Crescendo forum section under( 3kw measurements and mods.) It goes to show that just because it cost more doesn't make it better. And i can bet that the new line are just copies of the sundown 2000, 3500, and 4500. So why the big price difference. Crescendo 5500 $879( sd4500D $1100-1500 )i guess the extra cash goes to customer service

The BC amps are not copies of Sundown amps. The boards are completely different and different build house.

I meant that in a good way, that using the same components as Sundown but for a cheaper price. When the Crescendo 3000 came out people was saying it's just a cheap copy of the Sundown 3500, they just used cheaper parts. (that's why they're so cheap) people was saying. Now years later we find out it's the same exact amp with different names. You're right the 3500 are different, looks like a AQ with out the dual power/grd inputs. and the 2000d also looks weaker than the SD 2000

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I was going to order the 3000D months ago but I think it had been discontinued. I am really interested in how these amplifiers will perform! :morepower1:

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Ok, I see a lot of wrong info in this thread so, from what I see/know I will correct what I can.

First off, Crescendo is a direct company. No dealer, which means no middle man making money off the product.

So the prices posted is what dealer price would be or close. Its not the build quality isn't as good, but if you knew dealer prices you would understand.

This is just Crescendos marketing strategoy. So take that into consideration.

Next, I would like to address, these new amps LOOK very similar to another company mention in this thread. I'm almost sure they are in fact the same buildhouse and SAME board. But I haven't took the time to compare a 100%. I'm just pretty damn sure.

Take the amp rating, 2k,3.5k, and 5.5k, then find out who amps amps close to those ratings and you will figure it out. And they are not a vendor here.

Finally, the Crescendo 100.4 and 3000d was in fact the same amp as Sundown 3000d, 100.4c. As well RD 3250v1 and many others. That board has beeeeeeen arouuuuund. And it wasn't a cheap knockoff, like I said, these are DIRECT pricing. You don't have a middle man with bills to pay selling these amps.

Example, Fi is direct, but nobody doubts their quality because of the prices. Same should apply here.

You just can't compare dealer based companies prices to direct.

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I'm loving the pricing on the 2k though. Those willllllll sellll like crazy.

Really when the two it is compared to, cough cough, cost 89 more dollars and almost double. The rest of the prices aren't bad either.

Didn't they say a new 4 channel was coming also? Any news on it?

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Damn, 300 shipped for the 2k? These need to come out!!! I was planning on the AQ2200D, but this will definitely be my first choice if it's available any time soon.

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Damn, 300 shipped for the 2k? These need to come out!!! I was planning on the AQ2200D, but this will definitely be my first choice if it's available any time soon.

Definitely when they are very similar.

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