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Mark LaFountain

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Any delicious caffeine drink I can get in powder form/cheap?

I'm looking for something to take before workouts. I was considering getting a "pre-workout" but I don't need creatine (get elsewhere), BCAAs (may get for fasted workouts ONLY), etc... Beta-Alanine may be useful, but only in the multi-digit rep range which I don't do. The rest of the other supps out there don't really seem to do much to make it worth the money. I used to take C4 and I loved the "pump", but again, not sure it made anymore than a mindset difference.

Anyways. Looking for something that taste good with caffeine to help me through the rough days.

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Caffeine pills are stupid cheap.

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9 hours ago, dem beats said:

I basically lost a cute chick and a family of fat cats.


It feels good.


You have any tips on how to get some Pappy? I want some but boy I don't wanna second market prices.

I wish! I was fortunate enough to have some in Charleston a few years back. It is hard to find.

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17 hours ago, MKader17 said:

Any delicious caffeine drink I can get in powder form/cheap?

I'm looking for something to take before workouts. I was considering getting a "pre-workout" but I don't need creatine (get elsewhere), BCAAs (may get for fasted workouts ONLY), etc... Beta-Alanine may be useful, but only in the multi-digit rep range which I don't do. The rest of the other supps out there don't really seem to do much to make it worth the money. I used to take C4 and I loved the "pump", but again, not sure it made anymore than a mindset difference.

Anyways. Looking for something that taste good with caffeine to help me through the rough days.

C4 is about the only preworkout I can stand, I've cut out all preworkout from my workouts and I feel better honestly.

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Mike I would really stick with preworkouts or caffeine pills.


I would also highly recommend pills over the drink.  You don't need the flavoring or fake sweeteners in your body.  They will just slow you down and usually they have sodium that is not needed.  I do really miss the old Assault product.  A serving was close to a 1/4 cup and it was both yummy and didn't have a chemical feel or taste.  They switched the recipie and it's bullshit now in comparison.  

I would rather take adderall.  Or if ephedra came back that would be the best.  

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May have to just make a cup of joe before I hit the gym lol

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Looks like they're gonna fly me back out to Maryland for another round. :gayhaaay1:

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In a memo to lawmakers this week, the DEA announced plans to decide “in the first half of 2016” whether or not it will reschedule marijuana, according to The Washington Post. Cannabis is now listed under the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule 1 drug, a categorization it shares with other drugs, such as heroin and LSD, which the U.S. government defines as “the most dangerous drugs” that have “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”

Advocates for marijuana legalization have long argued that the drug should be rescheduled, considering marijuana’s relative safety when compared to a drug like heroin, which caused roughly 11,000 overdose deaths in 2014, according to the National Institutes of Health. The argument for rescheduling marijuana also revolves largely around the drug’s potential for medical use, as 23 states have already legalized medical pot to treat a variety of maladies—from cancer to chronic pain—and U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy even admitted last year that “marijuana can be helpful” for certain medical conditions.

Should the DEA decide to reschedule marijuana, bumping it down with supposedly less dangerous drugs such as cocaine (Schedule 2) or ketamine (Schedule 3), the move would likely open the door for expanded research of cannabis’ potential for medical applications. As it stands, the government has an exclusive contract with a University of Mississippi research lab to grow marijuana for the purpose of medical research, and the DEA notes in its letter that the government supplied an average of just nine researchers with marijuana for research purposes per year between 2010 and 2015.



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2 hours ago, Penguin4x4 said:


The drug schedules are a joke. I love how LSD is considered a schedule 1 when coke is a schedule 2. How is LSD dangerous? How is coke less dangerous? How many people have died from LSD? Cocaine? I pucking love cocaine, but it is a huge no-no for me. I quit heroin easier than cocaine. I had opiate like withdraw from cocaine, but my heroin withdraw was almost exclusively minor physical issues... heeby jeebies, nausea, vomiting, but it seemed to take forever. At least a few weeks... Cocaine was hard core, but relatively quick. I used to do a shit ton of acid when I was a kid. me and 3 buddies would buy a sheet and eat it in a week. We did that several times. I was a tripping fiend, but never any addiction or withdraw issues.

How in the fuck is ketamine a schedule 3? I snorted some of that shit once and it was fuckin crazy. To me it felt like what you read of a near death experience, along with some bizarre visuals. I couldn't move and felt myself detaching from my physical self. I was looking down at myself and my body. My assumption is that was what I felt like so that was my trip. But my understanding is that death by special K is nearly impossible. I understand it has a ton of medicinal benefits, but no way is this a schedule 3.

Weed is so much different. No addiction, a ton of medical benefits. Hell, it saved my life when I had cancer. It should be a requirement that if you do chemo, you must smoke buds. It is medically less physically addictive than aspirin or caffeine.

I have to clarify that I don't smoke weed or any other derivative any more. It makes me too paranoid. I'll smoke hash oil maybe once a year, but otherwise I have no desire. Now, DMT on the other hand...

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I drove a 750 today.  

Not for me.  My dude is going to see if he can find me a dope 550 or x6 for the next machine.


2 years go fast.

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Schedule I substances are those that have the following findings:

  1. The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
  2. The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
  3. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

Schedule II substances are those that have the following findings:

  1. The drug or other substances have a high potential for abuse
  2. The drug or other substances have currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, or currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions
  3. Abuse of the drug or other substances may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.

Schedule III substances are those that have the following findings:

  1. The drug or other substance has a potential for abuse less than the drugs or other substances in schedules I and II.
  2. The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
  3. Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.

Schedule IV substances are those that have the following findings:

  1. The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III
  2. The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States
  3. Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III

Schedule V substances are those that have the following findings:

  1. The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule IV
  2. The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States
  3. Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule IV.




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Schedule I: LSD, Heroin, Marijuana, DMT, MDMA, Psilocybin, Peyote

Schedule II: PCP, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Cocaine, Ritalin, Adderall, Morphine

Schedule III: Anabolic Steroids, Ketamine, Seconal, Nembutal

Schedule IV: Benzo's, Tramadol

Schedule V: Lyrica, Vimpat, Cough syurps with small amounts of codeine


Basically, it's all fucked up.

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Pot, DMT, and MDMA are so amazing for helping people.


Such positive drugs that have so little downsides.  MDMA probably being the most dangerous of the 3 and also probably the most versatile and helpful for actual clinical care.

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11 hours ago, Penguin4x4 said:

Looks like they're gonna fly me back out to Maryland for another round. :gayhaaay1:

woot woot ! 

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14 hours ago, Penguin4x4 said:

Looks like they're gonna fly me back out to Maryland for another round. :gayhaaay1:


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Money can buy happiness according to Cambridge University. In a study of almost 77,000 bank transactions, they found people who spent more on purchases that matched their personality were happiest.

The study matched spending categories on the widely recognised "Big Five" personality traits - openness to experience (artistic versus traditional), conscientiousness (self-controlled vs easygoing), extraversion (outgoing vs reserved), agreeableness (compassionate vs competitive), and neuroticism (prone to stress vs stable).

For example, "eating out in pubs" was rated as an extroverted and low conscientiousness (impulsive) spending category, whereas "charities" and "pets" were rated as agreeable spending categories.

The researchers then compared the participants' actual purchases to their personalities using this scale, and found that people generally spent more money on products that match their personality. For example, a highly extroverted person spent approximately £52 more each year on "pub nights" than an introverted person. Similarly, a highly conscientiousness person spent £124 more annually on "health and fitness" than a person low in conscientiousness.



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Hopefully I'll have more to time to look around at housing options. Wonder how bad the sticker shock will be. :lol:

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2500 rounds of 223 with free shipping!

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Funny time for me to be reading this from a bar in Amsterdam

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