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Mark LaFountain

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Doctors piss me off. Years of tests and money and they still are wrong. Fuck em.

My shrink caused me to miss 235 days of high school, prescribed me some shit that had me hallucinating, and narcoleptic, too fucked up to tell anyone what's happening in my head.

All because I sought help for depression. Needless to say, no help....

My doctor misdiagnosed colon cancer for years. When they finally found it it was 4th stage. I was given 6 months to live. Fortunately they were wrong then too. I went from a cripple stuck in a bed and wheelchair to a manual laborer again in 8 months. Granted, I worked while puking from chemo and radiation, but I am here 4 years later thanks to another blown diagnosis.

You have no idea how good that news sounds in my current situation. Thank you so much for sharing. My father was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

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Yay, my dad let some jackhat take $180 and then take his computer over last night to fix it.

I seriously don't fucking get it. He isn't allowed to install software since he fucks up his PC so bad once a year it needs a format. I install anything for him remotely.

Now I guess it is time for all new credit cards, passwords etc.

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So here's an Altima update for anyone who cares or cares to help. So after being told the engine had no compression and they had "condemned" it I just left it in the lot for a few weeks and began my internet search to try to find some answers. Basically all I have found is that it could be simple and it could be the motor. I have been really trying to figure out what the hell to do and last night as I'm laying in bed I thought "what if the engine is flooded"! I thought of this because they had it for two days and said it was running fine, then I told them I'd pick it up the next day or two. They left it out front and pulled it in the garage the next night, then when they went to back it out again it wouldn't start. I remembered that when I used to live at my Mom's she parked it in front of the refrigerator in the garage and whenever we had to move it to get something we had to drive it around the block or it wouldn't start in the morning, which I'm told is typical with this car. So I had some time today to go check it out and tried turning it over with the gas peddle floored with no luck.Then I tried pumping the gas and it changed how it sounded when trying to start but then the battery was too drained to continue. I ran home and grabbed my power pack hooked it up and continued, within 5 minutes the son of a bitch started. It's still running crappy and I believe it might be in "limp mode" because I did a computer reset but I was able to drive it home.


Any ideas on what to start with? Could it still be the engine? Thanks for reading and sorry for the mess but I'm just trying to add as much info as I can.



Nissans are bad about flooding. If they keep flooding after cleared you may have weak spark (bad coil), too much fuel pressure, leaking injector(s). Usually it is just a weak coil, but if you are continually having issues on one hole I might suspect a leaking injector, as Nissans have been prone to injector issues since the beginning of time it seems.

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Speaking of cars, I just peaked at the consumer reports for 2014, and they feel the BRZ/FR-S would have terrible relibility.  Find that kind of strange as to how basic the cars are overall.

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Wrong post quoted but you get the idea.



I was issued Magpuls for my current deployment.  I get to keep them, too...  Well at least, I never signed a hand receipt...  Nice Otis cleaning kit, too...

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Ugh my midbass amp keeps going to protect every time I turn it up past a certain number. Hoping it is just a wire pinched or lose somewhere and not the amp. Fucking electrical gremlins

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I should add I can put the amp Into protect mode since the beginning of time easily with high-volume. May have finally wore out the protect Circuit in the weak Alpine amp.

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Checked all wires except in the doors, everything looks fine...Apline MRP-f600 btw.

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Lol, I bypassed the protection on my V12 about a decade ago (just grounded a pin on an IC).  It worked great for about a year until it finally melted down the power supply...

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Wrong post quoted but you get the idea.



I was issued Magpuls for my current deployment.  I get to keep them, too...  Well at least, I never signed a hand receipt...  Nice Otis cleaning kit, too...

Issuance of items without a hand reciept are gifts.


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I should add I can put the amp Into protect mode since the beginning of time easily with high-volume. May have finally wore out the protect Circuit in the weak Alpine amp.

Might be time to leave Alpine?


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Not sure if everyone will get that.

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Good news, Jared. I found my CD Walkman from back in junior high. :lol: See if it still works...

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Good news, Jared. I found my CD Walkman from back in junior high. laugh.png See if it still works...


Killed by battery acid. RIP

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DVD drive in the computer went tits up a little while ago, haven't tried to replace it since I don't use it anymore. :shrug:

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My PC has been without a DVD drive since the last time I installed windows on it, like four and a half years ago.

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This. Is. Awesome.

Just saying. Need more of it where I work out...

Sexy, but squats on the smith machine? Oh noes

Never even realized she was using a smith machine. And I find it rather questionable that that's what you noticed...

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