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Car totaled, IA sub and box live to fight another day

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A lot of momentum there, they are lucky the enclosure didn't decapitate them.

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Glad to hear everyone is fine, equipment holding up as well is a plus too.

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shit, looks like he caught a telephone pole. glad everyone is safe! my bro just totaled his mercury sable a week ago. he's ok but my parents are still pissed lol

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Glad everyone was alright...

Looks like the speaker terminals ripped off the PCB on the amp? Damn.

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that Grand Am GT got messed up big. he's very lucky that his enclosure didn't keep going into his/her seat. the wiring probably slowed it all down but it could have done more. hopefully he learns from that.

thank god they got away relatively intact

Edited by Mtopper

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Yeah that was a Crossover that blew up,

thats the only thing that got damaged.

Yeah he was bummed about his car and stuff..cuz I just sold it to him a month ago.

Someone came into his lane and he swerved over into the other lane, missed the car but caught a tree.

A plus for him and i think it made him feel a bit better.

the HU/all speakers and the sub/amp seem to be in perfect shape.

Sucks that he has no car to put them in now tho

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If you had a older volvo it wouldnt of crumbled like that. Just a volvo thang!

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not my pics, just posting em up for all to see, trying to help the guy out some!





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damn, is that the power wire running down the front right tire?

Yeah lol

he just changed the wire like a week before, and was using a alligator clamp to hold it onto the terminal until he get a new terminal for it.

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wow that accident was insane.! Good thing no one was hurt that badly though..

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Well on the bright side, he know knows he has an indestructable box. Bur damn, that car realy got messed up.

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If you had a older volvo it wouldnt of crumbled like that. Just a volvo thang!

True. Only because Volvos can defy the laws of physics.

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