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How is Fi pronounced?

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Just as the title says. Should it be "F.I.", or pronounced "fye" (as in rhyming with pie)?

Don't wanna sound stupid when I'm showing off my system. Won't believe anyone until nick responds :)

Edited by burko

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fi are the two letters taken out of the word infinity since they believe themself in being the in"fi"nity of car audio drivers in comparision as the car infinity lol idk about the car part but it sounds good. Always loving the exotic cars on the websites layout though. Let nick chime in he would know to the "T".

Edited by Dictator1992

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its just the two letters "F and i" i dont think it has any other special way to say it since its just two letters.

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Just how you say High Fi.

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It rhymes with pie, die, sky, etc. The letters are not pronounced by themselves.

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I always heard the guy from the tahoe say EFF EYE on his videos.


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I always heard the guy from the tahoe say EFF EYE on his videos.


he doesn't own the company. its pronounced to rhyme with pie.

there was a thread on this a long time ago.

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Second grade English class...the dearth of the public school system.

We learned then that if something is capitalized and has either a F. I. with a period beside it, that would mean that it is an acronym...or it has significant meaning aside from the letters..

Take note that the " i " in Fi is not capitalized...

So it should not be pronounced as its own syllable..

Figh is how it is pronounced. If it were Eff Eye..the ' i ' would be capitalized.

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I always heard the guy from the tahoe say EFF EYE on his videos.


He's also not intelligent.

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You would think based on simple grammar rules that it would be "fye", but I've always heard it pronounced as if it were an acronym. I guess everybody I've heard should've posted this question lol. Now I won't sound TOTALLY stupid. Thanks for the input!

Edited by burko

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I heard people say Fee before. Lol.

When I say just the letters I say Eff Eye.

But if I said the whole thing its Figh Car Audio.

Just a habit.

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Wow i have been saying it wrong the whole time.... :peepwall: would make a great t-shirt though lol.

doesnt sound right to me now...

"oh what sub do you have in your truck?"

"nothing much, just a 15" Figh Q"

guess its sorta like Focal, where its pronounced Foe-kal.

Edited by beandip

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Refrain from licking the windows on your bus ride home :roflmao:

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Humor is a good thing :)

If you can't take a joke..then well..i'm sorry.

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You say " Hi " everyday, but don't know how to say " Fi " ?

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OMG that is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile.

Nick you guys should post that up on the website somewhere, maybe make a FAQ section with the question on how the name is pronounced as the first line item, this video as the answer!

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lol i just about died laughing :roflmao:

glad to see you guys have a great sense of humor. +1 on putting that on the FAQ section.

guess the video title puts everything in all caps because you/it typed FI :peepwall:

:edit: just noticed you have other videos.

Edited by beandip

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