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First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

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So... i have been rockib the DCON 15 for a while and i am VERY impressed. So i have decided to add 3 more! :D

Yup... 4 15" DCONs walled behind the second row seating

I plan on doing a little deadener as welll. Not crazy tho.

So i will be lookng to buy a 1200-1500 watt 1ohm stable amp. (Sae(x)(z)1200-1500, AQ1200-1500 etc. No more than $200

Pics and stuff later. :)

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May I make a suggestion on the enclosure?

Do a 4th order bandpass wall. It will be many times louder and sound much better then a traditional 4th order ported wall. The bandpass doesn't needs near as much vehicle to load off of compared to a standard ported wall which needs a lot to load off, and being behind the C-Pillar it can't load off the windshield very well. So a bandpass is the best idea.

Just my $0.02

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Heck, you might not even need 1000 watts for bonkers results.

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Nucking futs! I was wondering when someone was going to use 15" Dcons in a wall! Low power, big results! Tuned in for sure.

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Sounds like a good plan. :)

Tuned in for pics.

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May I make a suggestion on the enclosure?

Do a 4th order bandpass wall. It will be many times louder and sound much better then a traditional 4th order ported wall. The bandpass doesn't needs near as much vehicle to load off of compared to a standard ported wall which needs a lot to load off, and being behind the C-Pillar it can't load off the windshield very well. So a bandpass is the best idea.

Just my $0.02

Listen to Drew. He knows his ish.

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Ive never done any boxes other than ported.

Not familiar with 4th order bandpass. Whats different?

Simple way to put it is a sealed box inside a ported box. And it loads off itself generally instead of the vehicle. And they usually play a wider frequency range then normal ported wall.

I'd be more then happy to help you design one.

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Nucking futs! I was wondering when someone was going to use 15" Dcons in a wall! Low power, big results! Tuned in for sure.

Me too. I love the efficient builds. Would be interesting if there was a competition class with clamped power and vehicle size. Stefan was doing big output with not much power for a while.

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Ive never done any boxes other than ported.

Not familiar with 4th order bandpass. Whats different?

Simple way to put it is a sealed box inside a ported box. And it loads off itself generally instead of the vehicle. And they usually play a wider frequency range then normal ported wall.

I'd be more then happy to help you design one.

good to know. I was wonderin the difference as well.

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Ive never done any boxes other than ported.

Not familiar with 4th order bandpass. Whats different?

Simple way to put it is a sealed box inside a ported box. And it loads off itself generally instead of the vehicle. And they usually play a wider frequency range then normal ported wall.

I'd be more then happy to help you design one.

Another feature is you can either narrow or widen the passband frequencies it plays. Example you can tune it to play down to 20hz up to 80hz etc, etc.

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The bandpass will be a good bit larger.

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And with cabin gain it should be a sphincter clencher .... :peepwall:

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Schweet! Any deadlines?

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I would like to start competing this year. It would be my first time. So i would need help figuring all that out.

When does the new "season" start?

And cancel the need for an amp inless its a SAE-1200. To pottentially be able to strap to th amp Im buying from my buddy for the build.

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Definatly tuned in. can't wait to see it come together. Good Luck man! :popcorn:

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Pictures bro! We don't believe you!!

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Tuned in for this DCON wall !!! Get busy so we can see some pics!!

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Nucking futs! I was wondering when someone was going to use 15" Dcons in a wall! Low power, big results! Tuned in for sure.

Me too. I love the efficient builds. Would be interesting if there was a competition class with clamped power and vehicle size. Stefan was doing big output with not much power for a while.

2 15" xcons, non-walled, 1100watts, 146.7dB at headrest. SSA FTW. :D

Tuned in for an awesome build. :popcorn:

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